Page 177 of Cold-Blooded Liar

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Kit blew her a kiss.

You need to spend more time with your dog.

She grimaced as she went down the stairs because she’d heard those words in Dr.Scott’s voice, which had been distasteful even before she’d known he was a raping, murdering monster. It would probably be a long time before she worked him out of her brain. That would probably make him smugly happy.


The kitchen was quiet, maybe for the first time in Kit’s memory, which was weird. But Mom needed to sleep, too. Someone was up, because a pot of coffee sat on the coffee maker and it was still warm.

Akiko, probably. Kit poured herself a cup and added a lot of sugar because she needed it this morning. Looking out the window, she saw that Akiko’s Subaru was gone. Her sister had a charter today, so she was on her way to the marina.

I should help her more often, too. No more working myself into an early—

Kit closed her eyes. Early grave. How many times had Scott said those words to cops while secretly smirking about the grave he’d just dug?


Taking her coffee, she went to the barn and, feeling strangely young again, slid the door open just enough to squeeze through. She drew a deep breath of hay-scented air before sitting on one of the bales.

Baz, you better not be dying, she thought as she dialed him on FaceTime. She’d watch his face while he talked because she could always tell if he was minimizing a problem.

No, you can’t. He hid a heart condition from everyone.


“Kit.” His face filled her screen. He was smiling, but tentatively. His eyes were bright, though, even if his skin was a little sallow. “Good morning.”

His hospital bed was his backdrop, but he had a cup of coffee in his hand. “Good morning to you, too. Are you drinking coffee, Baz? Really? Did your doctor say that was okay?”

“It’s decaf,” he said glumly.

She chuckled, despite her concern. “I’m sorry. Mine’s not.”

“Rub it in, why don’t you?”

Her smile faded, because something was not right. “Okay, so are we done with morning banter? You’ve got me scared, Baz. What’s so important?”

“I wanted you to hear it from me because things are already going up on Facebook.”

Don’t panic. “What things?”

“I’m retiring.”

She stared at his face, hoping to see a twinkle in his eye. He threatened to retire all the time, but it was always a joke. This time, though, he was serious. “When? Why?” When he didn’t answer right away, she blurted, “Are you dying?”

He smiled at that. “No, Kit. I’m not dying. But I could have. I’ve been thinking a lot about the time I have left and how I should be using it. I’m retiring effective May first, but I have vacation to use, so it’s really effective immediately.”

Her heart was in her throat. He was retiring.

“Kit?” He leaned into his phone’s camera. “Say something.”

Her mouth worked, but no words would come out and she couldn’t stop the tears that filled her eyes.

“Kit, no,” he whispered. “Don’t. Please.”

He was right. She needed to pull herself together. “Sorry. Just a shock. I guess I should have seen it coming, huh?”

“I didn’t,” Baz said honestly. “I’ve spent more time with Marian this week than I have in years. It only took a heart attack to make it happen. She deserves better, Kit. So do my daughter and my granddaughter. I want to see Luna grow up.”
