Page 29 of Dylan

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“Anyway. I’d like her to come in and give a report.”

“She will when we return. I suppose my condo is now a major crime scene.”

“Yes. Given your wealth, you can afford to stay somewhere else.”

“Yes.” I don’t bother packing a bag because the cops tell me that every single one of my suits has been sliced. Fucking dickhead.

The rage that fills me isn’t as strong as it could be because he’s out of my life and my woman is safe. All of her attackers are gone in one way or another, and soon the last one will be dead. It’s only a matter of time before the right people take his ass out in prison.

Chapter Fourteen


When he comes through the door of Boss’s home, I jump into his arms, sending him back a step, but he doesn’t care. He pins me to the nearest wall and slams his lips on mine, giving me the deepest, soul-bending kiss.

When he breaks away, I’m panting, but we’re attached everywhere else. “I missed you, Harley. No more time apart.”

“I agree.”

“I’m glad it’s just you at the door,” Boss says. I blush, clamp my lips together, and unlatch my legs from around Dylan’s midsection like a silly teenage girl.

“I came to get my girl,” he says. When I look up at him, he’s beaming with pride.

“Everything okay?” Boss asks while Dylan holds me around the waist and kisses my temple.

“Mission accomplished,” he says with a straight face, giving away no secrets as he gives Boss a nod, but I know there’s so much left unsaid.

“At least stay for dinner.” The energy flowing through me is so positive that I ignore the undertones of what happened while he was away. There’s a lot they’re not saying in the subtle looks they’re giving each other.

“That I can do. How about you, babe?”

“I’m up for whatever you’d like.” As long as we’re together, nothing else matters to me, but I don’t want to come off as too needy. After what happened between us, I’m still feeling vulnerable, and I can’t confess that without breaking down.

“That’s what I love to hear.” A low growl comes from him and then he cups my ass.

“I didn’t mean that.” I swat his hand because we were in front of his uncle.

“Sorry,” he says, even though he doesn’t look the least bit sorry. I smile and press my lips to his cheek and shake my head. “And she wonders why I can’t keep my hands off her. So perfect.”

We spent the rest of the evening with his uncle and Esperanza before going back to Dallas. We pull up to the expensive hotel that we made love at for the first time. “Why are we here?”

“Um…my condo isn’t available at the moment. This is our temporary home.” I have two suitcases worth of clothes that the ladies in Steeleville gave me so I’m good, but the rest of my things were at my cousin Lillian’s.

“I haven’t contacted my cousin since this happened and…”

“And what…” He tilts his head and stares, trying to puzzle out what I’m thinking, but I just say it.

“What if Lillian was involved?” I drop down on the lovely sofa and throw my head in my hands.

I feel Dylan sit beside me and then he rubs my back. “Sweetheart, she filed a missing person’s report for you as soon as she was allowed.”

“She did?” I ask, lifting my head.

“Yes, she had to wait until you’d been missing for a certain amount of time, but the report was filed.”

“I need to call her.” I’m on my feet, pacing, trying to remember where I put the cell phone Dylan got me. “I missed her wedding and everything.” It’s in my coat pocket, which I’m still wearing. I dig it out, but Dylan puts his hand over mine.
