Page 28 of Gio

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“I know him. He’s been to our family parties over the years.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ve served him drinks and…”

“What, Cupcake?” Gio has a tight hold on my hip.

“He took an eager interest in my figure.”

“Has he ever touched you, Cupcake?” he asks, brushing his lips against my throat.

“He’s taken the accidental passing graze a little too often.”

“If he’s still kicking, he’s mine,” Gio warns them. I try not to squirm in my seat, but my pussy is throbbing. Vivian looks right at me and smirks.

“So jealous, bro.”

“Damn right. No one touches my wife but me.” His fingers run down my arm as he speaks. “Anyone else I need to end?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Let’s go home, Matteo. I’m tired.”

“What about the scene? Aren’t the cops going to know we fled?”

“Trust me when I say that everything will be fine.”

For the first time since we’ve been married, we don’t go to the mansion. Instead, he takes me to the Barone home, which is a different mansion on the same large plot of land. It’s just gorgeous. “This is my room here. When I’m not here, I have a condo in the city. At my age, I haven’t bought my own home yet.”

“Your age? It’s funny. I don’t actually know that.”

“I’m twenty-two.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes, we’re all pretty young around here. Matteo’s only twenty-three.”

“Wow, I can’t believe it.”

“That’s why our parents are still heavily involved in the day-to-day. He had only been in charge for a very short time before all hell broke loose.”

“I like this.”


“The two of us, just talking, no fucking or fighting.”

“Good, because I don’t need the latter, and although I love being inside you, it’s not the only reason I want you, Patricia.”

“I prefer when you call me Cupcake.”

“My delicious Cupcake,” he growls, pressing his lips to mine. It’s chaste, soft, and as he moves to back away, I pull him back for another one. “Oh, no.” He pulls away, holding my hands at my wrists with just one of his and wagging his finger at me. “Behave. You’re sore, and you just said you were happy just talking.”

“Fine. How about we watch some television together?”

“Works for me.” We turn it on, and it’s a news conference.

A local mob wife, Santana Moreno, was gunned down this afternoon outside a boutique after an attempted abduction. Rumors swirl that it was her own husband, Ernesto Moreno, who has suddenly gone missing and hasn’t been able to be reached regarding the death of his wife, although sources are not talking to reporters or police at the moment.
