Page 43 of The Wild Side

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“All kinds. Cyber stuff mostly.” Gilmour figured that would be the only thing he’d understand.

“Like catching bad guys on the internet?”

Gilmour was impressed that the kid had a vague idea of what cyber stuff was. Then again, it was a whole new generation of kids and technology. “Yep. Chasing the bad guys on the internet.”

“Cool,” Jerome replied.

“I’ll go help Patricia. You get him settled,” Melanie said.

Gilmour put his hand gently on Jerome’s shoulder. “I’m going to strap you in the back,” Gilmour announced. He handed Jerome a small flip phone. “There is only one number that works on this, so don’t try to call anyone. It’s only in case of an emergency. Understand?”

“Yes, sir!” Jerome gave him a salute.

Melanie and Patricia came out of the house, pulling a large suitcase that was bouncing behind.

Gilmour grabbed the bag and introduced himself. “Gregory Gilmour.” Then he put it in the back of his vehicle. He went around to the driver’s side and gave Patricia the key and a phone. “Number for Melanie, me, and the police are programmed. If you do make a call, try to use a landline. Jerome has a small flip phone with just the emergency number. He knows only to use it . . .”

“In case of an emergency.” Jerome finished Gilmour’s sentence.

Gilmour smiled and continued. “Someone will be in touch. Hang tight. You’re going to be alright.”

Patricia looked very confused. “Someone?”

Melanie chimed in. “Once I get back to the office, I’ll suggest some counseling, but that will be up to you and Mr. Walker. Meanwhile, breathe.”

“What about my husband?” Patricia was still flummoxed. “What’s going to happen to him?”

“Nothing at the moment. But if I need backup, Agent Gilmour will be right there.”

“Don’t forget to show him your badge!” Jerome exclaimed.

Patricia still had no idea who this man was or where he’d come from, except he was a friend of Melanie’s. “Thank you. Thank you for doing this.”

Gilmour opened the door for her. “Good luck. Remember, help is a button away.”

Patricia started the engine, adjusted the mirrors, and backed out of the driveway. Jerome was waving vigorously from the back seat.

Melanie and Gregory got into Patricia’s vehicle and headed back to the school.

“So, now will you tell me what is going on and how I got snookered into pulling a not-quite-legal something?”

Melanie began to relate the story of Jerome’s latest fashion trend . . . how someone gave Jerome a black eye, but the father didn’t know why until he barged into the school threatening to sue.

“Uh boy.”

“Yep. His father freaked out when Jerome appeared in my office wearing a dress.”

Gilmour rolled his eyes. “So this guy is a real banana?”

“Major. At our school, we’re not allowed to discuss anything that hints at cross-dressing with parents unless they are already aware.”

“What do you mean?”

“Say a kid named Jerome wants to be called Jennifer at school. We cannot tell the parents.”

“Why not?”

“Privacy issues. There are court cases on the state and federal level. Many argue the Fourteenth Amendment broadly gives the parent the right to direct their child’s upbringing,” Melanie replied.
