Page 49 of The Wild Side

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“An old colleague.” Melanie pulled up her file of family counselors. She wrote down two names. “These are very good. I’d suggest you make an appointment with each of them, explain the plan, and see which one you feel the most comfortable with. Not the one who you think will go easy on you. But feeling safe is very important. Physically and emotionally.” She turned to her monitor. “Now, let’s find a few online courses. What area are you particularly interested?”

Walker told her he wanted to work in administration. As an office manager. Something along those lines. Again, Melanie checked her roster and wrote down a few institutions for him. “The first two offer job placement, but obviously it will be up to you.”

He took the paper from her. His hands were shaking. “I cannot thank you enough. I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

“I am very happy we found a way to improve things for you.”

“What about Pat and Jerome?”

“After you choose your therapist and have had three sessions, you’ll arrange for a group session. You’ll phone me and give me the information, and I will pass it along to your wife and son.”

“Will you be at the session with all of us?”

“No, I’m afraid that’s out of my jurisdiction. To be perfectly honest, all of this is out of my jurisdiction.”

“Well, it should be in your jurisdiction. You’re good at it.”

“That’s the nicest compliment I’ve had all day.” She stood, signaling the meeting was over, and opened the door to the eavesdroppers.

Walker followed. He held out his hand. “Thanks very much. I will be in touch with details.”

“You’re very welcome. Good luck. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the open house in November.”

Walker nodded at the two men standing in the corridor and left the building.

Gilmour was the first to speak. “What did you do? Pull a few magic tricks?”

Lynch did a double take. “Magic tricks?”

“Oh, you don’t know about the “Magnificent MelDrake?”

“MelDrake?” Lynch was further confused.

“We haven’t had Show and Tell yet.” Melanie made a frowny face.

“So, you do know magic tricks, or is he busting your chops here?” Lynch asked.

“Both,” Melanie and Gilmour said in unison.

“Oh, I can’t wait for Show and Tell now!” Lynch laughed.

“Seriously, Mel, how did it go? He seemed repentant.”

“We spoke about what a good kid Jerome is. I discovered Mr. Walker is not unlike many people. He’s terribly unhappy with his job. Feels like he’s at a dead end. Been shortchanged.”

“So he’s angry with the world,” Lynch added.

“Pretty much.”

Audrey Alexander jetted out of her office. “Melanie, what was that all about?” She was half curious and half perturbed.

“Sorry. I thought I could get to the bottom of this in a neutral atmosphere.”

“That is against school policy.” Audrey’s voice was stern.

“If it’s any consolation, he’s going to go to a therapist to figure out his anger issues, and then start family counseling, provided Mrs. Walker is so inclined. He’s also going to investigate continuing education classes.”

“You did all that over a cup of coffee?” Audrey seemed skeptical.
