Page 77 of This is How I Lied

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Friday, December 22, 1995

3:15 p.m.

Eve slammed down the phone. “Who was that?” Nola asked.

There was no way Eve was going to tell Nola that it was Nick and what he said to her. She wondered what it would be like to not be afraid all the time. Afraid of what others thought of her, afraid of what Nick might do, what Nola might do.

Eve breathed a sigh of relief once Nola walked out the door. She had a few hours of uninterrupted peace. No Nola, no mother, no Nick. These moments were rare. She went to the kitchen, pulled a pop from the fridge and went upstairs to her room. Eve shivered. Her windows rattled from a brisk wind, sweeping in heavy snow clouds along with the cold. She coiled her scarf around her neck, climbed beneath her quilt and reached for the book that she borrowed from Maggie this morning.

She flipped over on her stomach when something fell from the pages and to the floor.

Eve reached down and picked it up. It was a bookmark made from red paper. It was cute, in the shape of a bird. Curious, she pulled at one of the corners and began to carefully dismantle the bird. As she pulled back each fold a word was revealed.

Eve smoothed the pleated page with her hand and began to read.

For Maggie, my sweet bird ~

One day we will fly away from here and be together forever. Be patient. We only have to keep it a secret a little longer. I can’t wait to touch you again. To kiss you, to be inside you.

I love you and only you.

