Page 86 of This is How I Lied

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“You heard wrong,” Maggie said flatly and crossed her arms across her chest as if daring Eve to argue with her.

“Maggie, don’t lie to me,” Eve said. “I heard you. I came upstairs to find you and I heard you.”

“So?” Maggie said. “So what? It’s none of your business. Worry about your own boyfriend, not mine.”

“Boyfriend?” Eve’s voice rose. “Mr. Harper isn’t your boyfriend. He’s a pervert. You’re only fifteen! It’s against the law.”

Maggie flinched as if she had been slapped. “You aren’t going to say anything, are you?”

“I have to,” Eve said, her voice filled with sorrow. “I have to say something. It’s not right. We’ll go to Miss Cress. She’ll help you.”

“You can’t do that. Please, Eve,” Maggie begged.

Eve opened the front door, desperate to get out of there, and saw Nick Brady pounding on her own front door. She couldn’t go that way. She turned and made her way through to the back of the house with Maggie right behind her. “Please, Eve, if you tell I swear to God I’ll never forgive you. I swear our friendship is over.” Eve hurried through the kitchen.

“Stop for a minute.” Maggie pulled at her elbow but Eve brushed her off, opened the back door and stepped out into the cold.

Eve had to tell someone. Her mother? No, her mom was useless in times of crisis. Mrs. Harper. God, no. She couldn’t see herself calling Maggie’s dad. How could she tell him that his daughter was having sex with a grown man?

Eve ran toward the pine trees that edged the bluffs. From there the only place to go was down the trail that led to the caves.

Part of her wanted to stay with Maggie and try to talk some sense into her but Eve knew Maggie too well. If Maggie wasn’t ready to talk, she wouldn’t. She would fold her arms across her chest and refuse to speak. But they were best friends; they would get through this. Eve would stick by Maggie no matter what; that’s what friends did
