Page 10 of Falling For Who

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“What was that?” I ask Felicity.

Felicity hasn’t said anything about the party that was now over a week ago, but she has been different since that night. She’s more talkative when we’re working together, but it seems to go beyond that. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s flirting.

“Homecoming. Popular. Pretty. I assume you must have a date, right?”

“Oh.” I hesitate because I’m stuck on the fact that Felicity Jax just called me pretty. Most people at this school claim I could get any girl I want, even the straight ones. But this is Felicity Jax we’re talking about. Felicity Jax. My hopeless crush. I shake my head. “No. I’m just going with friends. I don’t want to date right now, because my focus needs to be on basketball.”

“You’re going to kill it this year.” If I wasn’t watching with my own two eyes, I wouldn’t believe that Felicity is looking me up and down right now, while running her tongue along her lower lip. “I can tell you’ve been working out.”

What the hell? I clear my throat and try to tell my face not to turn red. I can tell by how warm it is that it’s not working. “So, is your boyfriend coming back to go?”

Felicity pushes her lips out in an exaggerated pout. “No. He says school has him too busy, but I think he just doesn’t want to go to a high school dance.” Her frown is much-too-quickly replaced with a smile. “Save me a dance?”

“Of course.” Obviously, she means a dance between friends.

When our teacher starts lecturing, I assume the conversation about the dance is over, but then I feel my phone vibrate from a text. I have to do a double-take because even though Felicity and I exchanged numbers when we first became lab partners, we’ve never actually texted each other.

What are you doing after the dance?

I remind myself, once again, that she’s obviously asking as a friend. A friend that has a boyfriend. In college. Going to Trevor’s house, you?

Felicity smiles at me as another text comes through. Senior party, huh?

Benefits to having a brother that’s a senior.

So, I take it he’s going?

Yeah. Not sure if I’d be invited if he wasn’t going.

Of course you would. You’re Marjorie Madden. As if that text from Felicity isn’t enough, the next one completely blows my mind. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do afterward, but now that I know you’re going to Trevor’s, there’s nowhere I’d rather be.

I simply smile at her and slip my phone back into my pocket because I’m seriously not sure what to say to that. I’m sure Felicity was just being extra nice, but this all seems to be coming out of nowhere. I guess I’ll see her at homecoming. Gulp.


The homecoming dance is almost over and I have yet to run into Felicity, which isn’t unusual since we have two completely different groups of friends. Still, every time I hear a voice that resembles hers, I look around as if she’s going to be there.

For some reason, our school dances always end with a slow song, so when I hear the very first notes of said slow song, I head to the bathroom. I’m barely inside the bathroom door when a hand grabs onto my shoulder and pulls me back out. When I turn around, I find that my captor is none other than Felicity. She leads me down the hall away from the bathroom then around the corner to an even darker hallway.

Much to my surprise, she moves my hands onto her hips and clasps her hands together behind my neck. She brings our bodies close together as she begins to sway back and forth to the music. “I told you I wanted a dance.”

Her whispered words have a sultry tone to them and goosebumps break out down my arms. Is this a dream? It must be a dream. “I’m glad you found me,” I somehow choke out.

“I’m glad I found you, too.” There it is. The tone is definitely still there. I wasn’t imagining it. I want to ask Felicity what we’re doing, but I also don’t want to ruin the moment, so I just let it be.

When the song ends, instead of letting go, Felicity leans in closer to whisper in my ear once again. “Find me at the party.” The way her teeth scrape across my ear isn’t an accident. There’s no denying that.

I can’t remember how to form words so I just nod in response. This answer seems to satisfy Felicity, who winks at me before walking away. What the actual fuck?

Once we’re at the party, I’m pretty sure my friends can tell I’m acting strange, but how couldn’t I be? I’m on edge, repeating Felicity’s words over and over in my head. I decide I need to find her as quickly as possible because not knowing what she meant by that is killing me.

I find her standing over by the beer pong table, next to my brother and Abby. Abby seems annoyed for some reason and my brother is wearing his fake smile. The only person who truly seems to be enjoying the conversation is Felicity, who is moving her hands around animatedly and laughing as she speaks.

She turns a little, which causes her eyes to catch mine. I look away but not quick enough to miss the smirk that forms on her lips at catching me staring. Shit.

I chance another look and she’s still staring at me. My brother and Abby are caught up in their own conversation now, and Felicity nods her head toward the staircase. I furrow my eyebrows since I’m not sure what she’s getting at, but she just winks before heading toward the stairs and walking up.

I assume that means she wants me to follow, so I wait a minute, then I do. I figure Trevor probably doesn’t want people upstairs, so I quietly make my way up the stairs and down a dark hallway. Even though I know Felicity is up here, I’m still surprised when a hand grabs onto my shirt and pulls me into a dark bedroom.
