Page 39 of In the Gray

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“What? I didn’t say I wanted to see her naked, just that I’m sure Brenden is very content and doesn’t feel the need to look at other women.”

“No, that’s not much better. Why did you call me anyway?”

“I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see how things went at your parents, and to make sure you were doing okay after your visit with Ashland today.”

I huff. “You were checking up on me?”

“If that’s how you want to look at it, then yeah…I guess I was.”

“I don’t need you looking out for me all the time, you know. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. In fact, I’ve become very accustomed to it.”

“Yes, I know you have. But you’re always so concerned for everyone you love. Maybe it’s time you let someone do the same for you.”

My heart seizes in my chest, and our conversation stills as I work to catch my breath. Why does he say these things that make me feel so much—too much?

I clear my throat. “Well…if you’re so concerned for my wellbeing, you should let me sleep. I’m exhausted.”

He lets out a breathy laugh. “Fair enough. I’ll let you get some sleep.”

“I appreciate that,” I deadpan.

“Goodnight, Lori.”


He’s chuckling again as I disconnect the call, and I let out a long breath. So much for sleep. Son of a bitch.



2 months later

The parking lot at Zane’s is nearly full, people coming and going in droves. As I make my way toward the entrance of the bar, a group of women in short skirts and tight tank tops call out to me, making me question my decision to come here tonight. The music inside is so loud I can hear it clearly out here, and the sweltering summer air guarantees it will be a sauna in there.

“Hey, man,” I say, greeting Brenden with a quick handshake.

I only met Brenden a few months ago when Cat forced all of us to go on a double date. To be honest, my impression of him at first glance wasn’t a good one. There was this huge guy wearing a leather jacket and biker boots with a scowl on his face, and I thought I had his number. But not even thirty minutes into the date, I could see how wrong I’d been. He looks at Lizzy as if he’d move heaven and earth for her, and I believe he could and would. As I got to know him on a personal level, I felt a kinship with him. Brenden had such a rough start in life, yet he’s never played the poor me card. He used his life’s circumstances to become a stronger, better person. That’s something I can relate to. I’m glad to call him my friend.

“Are you ready for your last night as a bachelor?”

“Hell yeah. As far as I’m concerned, I stopped being a bachelor months ago. I’m ready to make it official and start my life with my soulmate.”

His best friend and best-man, Jon, groans next to Brenden, and he sniggers as he turns to him. “There will be no talk of soulmates tonight.”

It was Jon who decided to come to the bar. If it had been left up to Brenden, Eric, and me, the bachelor party would have likely consisted of pizza and beer at Brenden’s. But Jon is the best man, and Brenden wanted to keep his friend happy. So, here we are.

“Don’t be a jealous prick,” Brenden quips.

The two of them playfully scuffle like brothers as Eric arrives. There’s a smile on his face and a bounce in his step as he approaches us, such a huge contrast to his temperament the last time I met him at this bar. When he called to tell me about the situation with his ex-wife, Cara, and asked for my help, I was so worried for him. He finally had the girl and was happier than I’d ever seen him. I couldn’t stand the thought of something jeopardizing that for him. But everything worked out, and things between him and Julianna have never been better.

“Sorry I’m late, guys. I had a little errand to run,” Eric announces as he comes to a stop in front of us.

“Listen,” Jon says, pointing at me, Brenden, and Eric. “You three domesticated cats better at least pretend you remember what it’s like to live in the wild tonight. This is supposed to be a freaking bachelor party.”

* * *

Two hours and several drinks later, Eric pulls out a tiny box from his pocket and places it on the table.
