Page 44 of In the Gray

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My thoughts were so full of Ashland when my phone rang, the words flowing so easily, I’d almost ignored the call from Julianna. If it hadn’t been for the late hour and my constant worrying, I probably would have. Of all the reasons I might have imagined the purpose of her call, this was not on the list.

“You did what?” Placing my laptop down next to me, I shoot to my feet and begin pacing in front of my couch. “Are you screwing with me? Please tell me you’re joking.”

Julianna giggles, and I hear Eric saying I told you so in the background.

“It’s not a big deal, we didn’t want to wait. I promise, I’ll let you throw me a big party when we get back, if you want.”

A party? Does she honestly think I’m upset about a party? If anything, I’m relieved I don’t have to wear another stupid dress and socialize with people I don’t like. But I’ve been cut out of another important moment of my sister’s life, and that hurts.

“When you get back? What does that mean?”

She sighs, the way she does when she thinks I’m being over the top. “We’re on our honeymoon, obviously. We did just get married.”

I halt mid step and pull the phone away from my face, my grip tightening around it. My eyes narrow at it as if she’ll be able to see my angry glare, and for a moment, I contemplate hanging up on her before bringing it back to my ear. “So, you had time to plan your honeymoon, but you couldn’t even tell me you were getting married? And what is it with everyone wanting to get fucking married these days? Has everyone gone mad?”

My mind wanders to Spencer. I’ve been keeping him iced out since Lizzy’s wedding two weeks ago, so I have no clue if or when his proposal to Cat is coming.

“I didn’t tell you because I knew you would act this way.”

My jaw tics as I begin to stride again, my temper begging to be let free, but I rein it in. Julianna is happy, and in the end, that’s all that matters.

“Fine,” I relent. “Where are you going and when will you be back?”

“We’re going to drive all over the states, heading in whatever direction the wind blows us. We don’t have anything specific planned except getting lots of great photographs of everything we see.”

“There will be lots of love making too, Lori,” Eric calls in the distance.

“You two are disgusting. I’m hanging up now. But…congratulations. I love you, and I’m glad you’re happy. I’m pissed you didn’t tell me, but at least I didn’t have to wear another bridesmaid dress.”

“Look at you, seeing the positive. I like this side of you. And I love you too, sis. Good luck on your writing. Bye.”

She disconnects the call, and I immediately dial Cat’s number. Spencer isn’t the only one I’ve been avoiding. I’ve kept myself busy with work and my book, using it as an excuse. But I’m honestly not sure how to act around Cat—worried something might slip. But I need to vent. I need my best friend.

She picks up after the first ring, gasping out a hello through her laughter. There’s only one person who makes her laugh that way. Spencer. My insides twist with jealousy, making it hard to ignore.

“My baby sister got married. Again. And she didn’t tell me until after the fact. Why does she keep doing this to me?”

“She did? Oh my gosh.” I hear Spencer’s deep voice in the background, and my heart begins beating a little faster. “Julianna and Eric got married,” Cat tells him. She gasps at his response. “You knew he was going to propose and didn’t tell me?”

My nostrils flare with irritation as I growl. Of course, he knew. Apparently, Eric and Spencer decided to play follow the leader with Brenden. I want to be furious with him for not telling me, but I’ve been the one ignoring his calls, never giving him a chance to tell me. Not that it matters, I was already livid with him.

When Lizzy told me he was planning to ask Cat to marry him, I was shocked. My friendship with Spencer has grown this year, and he never even hinted he was thinking of proposing to Cat. Then when I found out he wanted to tell Cat what happened between us, I was angry. That isn’t his secret to tell. It’s ours. He isn’t the only one who would suffer the consequences of it being revealed.

If it hadn’t been for Levi stopping me, I might’ve said and done some things that night I would regret. Turns out, he’s not such a bad kid. Annoying and clueless, but he’s got a good heart like his brother. He stayed by my side all night and even took me home. Everyone made assumptions about what happened between Levi and me after we left, and I’ve done nothing to correct them. Not that it’s anyone’s business, but I’d never sleep with Levi.

My hold on the phone is strangling as I listen to Cat and Spencer playfully banter back and forth, the loud groan I let out interrupting them.

“Sorry,” Cat says, followed by another giggle.

“Yeah…I’m going to go, but tomorrow you’re mine.” Spencer should be spending the day with his grandmother tomorrow, which means I can have my best friend to myself.

“Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow morning and we’ll make plans. Goodnight.”

Before I have a chance to respond, Spencer calls out, “Goodnight, Lori.”

My chest tightens, my skin buzzing as my breath catches. I miss him. So much. Too much. But I merely disconnect the call because I just can’t deal.

