Page 49 of In the Gray

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He continues to ignore me, going on about seeing her mother, and I impatiently wait for her to introduce me. When she doesn’t, I take it upon myself.

“Hi, I’m Spencer. Cat’s boyfriend.”

Cat looks over at me, wide-eyed, but his stay locked on her like I hadn’t spoken.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I forget you don’t know anyone here,” Cat says. She gives me an apologetic smile, her cheeks bright red as she clears her throat. “Spencer, this is Lawrence. He’s an old friend of mine.”

Lawrence’s eyes narrow at her description of their acquaintance, still not even attempting to glance my way.

“All right, we better go take our seats,” Cat says, stepping around him.

I don’t know who the hell this Lawrence guy is or was to Cat, but there’s a lot more than old friends happening between them. It’s something I’ll most definitely be addressing with Cat, but now is not the time.



I hold up the t-shirt and study it, my face souring with distaste. It has an airbrushed black bear in the mountains with the year and my name on it. “What in the hell is this?”

Julianna laughs. “It’s your souvenir, silly.”

“Is this your way of saying you hate me?”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. I brought you some fudge too.”

She offers me the fudge, and I quickly grab it, opening the box and immediately stuffing a piece of the cookies and cream flavored heaven in my mouth. “You do love me,” I mumble between chews.

She rolls her eyes, taking a seat on my couch and I follow. “You said when you called there was something you wanted to talk about?”

Nodding my head, I pop another piece of fudge in my mouth to buy myself some time. The situation with Cat and Spencer has really been eating at me. I need to talk to someone before I bust. Only, it feels a little like I’m betraying Cat’s trust, telling a secret that isn’t mine to share.

“There is…and it’s kind of a big deal. Promise me you won’t tell Eric. If he finds out, I know he won’t be able to keep the secret.”

“Okay. You’re freaking me out a little. I’m not sure how I feel about keeping stuff from my newly wedded husband, but…fine. I promise.”

I take a deep breath, swallowing the guilt knotted in my throat. “Cat cheated on Spencer.”

Julianna’s eyes go wide, her mouth falling open. “What? But I thought she loved him. He’s planning to propose to her. Why would she screw all of this up? Who would be worth messing up her future like that?”


“Lawrence? You mean that guy she was in love with back in high school? Are you kidding me?”

“I wish I were,” I say, though I’m not entirely sure that’s true.

A big part of what’s been eating at me since Cat told me she cheated on Spencer is the relief I feel. Once she tells him what she did, he’ll change his mind about asking her to marry him. And the fact that brings me comfort also makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit.

“Is she going to tell him?”

“I don’t know. She said she would, but…I’m not so sure. And it’s killing me.”

“Okay, but why are you so worked up over it? It’s not your mess to fix.”

“I know that, but Spencer is my friend. He’s going to be so hurt. I can’t stand the thought of it.”

“Oh my gosh, I don’t believe this…We talked about this months ago, and you lied.”

“Wait, can’t believe what? What did we talk about?”
