Page 52 of In the Gray

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I shrug, placing my cup on the table. “Takes one to know one. Have you patched things up with Roxy yet?”

The smugness on Levi’s face is replaced with a frown as he groans, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “There isn’t anything for me to fix. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

I press my lips together. “Why are men so clueless? Maybe you didn’t directly do anything wrong, but she clearly has feelings for you and you’re ignoring it as if that changes anything.”

“You’re wrong, she doesn’t have those kinds of feelings for me. But even if she did, what do you expect me to do? How could addressing them make it any better? How could telling her I don’t feel the same help our situation?”

“It wouldn’t…” I stand and push in my chair, picking up my empty coffee cup and discarding it in the nearby trash-can before slinging my bag over my shoulder. “But telling her the truth would.”

Levi may have managed to get me to open up about Spencer, but I hadn’t been the only one spilling their guts during our drunken discussions.

He groans and rolls his eyes as he gets up from his seat. “Can we please not go down this road again?”

“Fine,” I relent. “I won’t bring up Roxy, if you stop asking me about—”

“Spencer,” Levi interjects.

I nod. “Exactly.”

“No…” He shakes his head and points toward the exit. “Spencer.” My breath stills as my eyes follow the path of his hand, landing on Spencer as the door closes behind him.

He hones in on me right away, as if he could sense my glare on him. His lips curve into an awkward smile, looking unsure if, or how, to approach me. Levi waves at him, pulling his gaze away from me. His face falls as he looks between Levi and me, the realization that we’re here together washing over him. Everyone is still under the impression that we slept together after Lizzy’s wedding, both of us having our own reasons for not being in any hurry to correct the assumption.

Spencer quickly recovers, plastering a smile back on his face as he heads in our direction. The crowd of people parts like the Red Sea for him as he makes his way over, the women ogling him and the men gesturing their respect as he passes.

“Why the hell did you wave him over?” I hiss to Levi under my breath.

“He was already staring at you, it’s not as if we could have escaped unnoticed.”

My entire body stiffens as Spencer comes to a stop in front of us, looking as impossibly attractive in his uniform as he had the first time we met in this exact coffee shop.

Spencer and Levi greet each other with a handshake and one of those man hugs that’s more of a slap on the back before Spencer focuses his attention on me again.

“Hi,” he says.


“How have you been?”


“How’s your book coming along?”


He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, and my spine straightens from my tightening abdomen. “Is that all I get? I thought we were past all this. I thought we were friends.”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” I huff. “We were just on our way out.” I wrap my arm around Levi’s to steady myself.

Levi lets out a low nervous chuckle as Spencer’s eyes cut to him then back to me again.

“I hadn’t realized this…” Spencer gestures between Levi and me, “was still going on. I didn’t think either of you were really into the dating thing.”

Levi scoffs. “Oh, we’re not—” His words cut off, his eyes shooting over to me as I dig my nails into his arm. I narrow my eyes, warning him to keep his mouth shut. Levi clears his throat, shifting his gaze back to Spencer. “We’re not in that big of a hurry. Why don’t the two of you talk while I hit the head.”

Levi pulls out of my death grip and kisses me on the cheek before scurrying off toward the bathroom, leaving me alone with Spencer. I open my mouth to give him an excuse of my own, but quickly shut it again when he closes the gap between us, his gaze intensifying.

“Is this how things are going to be between us now? I’m sorry I lost my temper that day and said things I shouldn’t have. I miss you.”
