Page 17 of Can't Wait

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Again, Caleb remained silent.

“What the hell kind of friend are you? What kind of friend do you think I am that I wouldn’t want you to be happy? I saw the look on her face when she gave you that hat and when you held her after she fell and hurt her head.”

“What hat? Summer fell? Is she okay?” Sam asked, but Jack ignored him.

“In the house, she smiled down at you from the ladder.” Jack ran his fingers through his hair and stared hard at Caleb. “My sister is in love with you.”

Caleb understood Jack’s turmoil. When it hit him how deeply he loved Summer and discovered she returned that love, though neither of them acknowledged it to each other, it had taken him some time to get used to the idea and let it settle in. He’d waited for the rush of fear, the need to run from any kind of commitment, but found all he wanted to do was be with her. Sam nailed it. She made him happy.

“Catch up, Jack. It’s obvious they love each other, the only question left is, when’s the wedding?”

Jack sat on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, Caleb, when is the wedding?”

Caleb opened his mouth, but shut it again. He had no idea how to answer. Did she want to marry him? She said as much that night in the bar a week ago.

Jack read his mind. “That night at the bar. She said she wanted a simple ranch life, married with children. Did you knock up my sister?”

“No,” Caleb answered immediately, knowing death waited if he didn’t make that clear.

“Sounds to me like you’ve kept them apart,” Sam pointed out.

Caleb assumed that would make Jack happy; instead, he frowned even more.

“I’m sorry, man. I’m trying to wrap my head around this. My best friend and my sister. All this time, I thought you two were just friends.”

“The only reason a man wants to be that close of friends with a woman is because he wants to sleep with her.”

“Sam, you’re not helping,” Caleb said diplomatically, when all he wanted to do was tell Sam to shut up.

“Listen, Summer and I are friends. That’s all. Because of our friendship, yes, I’ve kept my feelings for her in check. Now that you know...” Caleb took a minute to collect his thoughts. “I care deeply for your sister.”

“Then stay. You’re the kind of guy I’d want with my sister.”

“You’re a good man,” Sam added. “I don’t know that I’d have put my friendship with anyone above the woman I want, but you did because of what you and Jack have been through together. That says a lot about you. Jack will agree, Summer can see through any guy who’s trying to play her. She knows her own mind and it’s set on you. If you leave, you’ll both always wonder what could have been.”

“If she’s what you want, if she makes you happy, and the same is true for her, stop worrying about what I think and go be with her,” Jack added.

“The thing is, I do care what you and Sam think. You’re her family. That’s important to her and me.”

Jack stood and held out his hand.

Caleb took it and they shook, but Jack didn’t let go. “It’s because you care that much about what I and the rest of the family think that I know you’re right for her. No matter what happens between the two of you, I know you have no intention of hurting her. That’s enough for me.”

“Me, too,” Sam reiterated.

Jack pumped his hand one last time and let go.

Caleb took a minute to let his mind wrap around the new reality he faced. “Um, I have to go. I have some Christmas shopping to do.”

Jack waited for Caleb to hightail it out of his office before he let his smile show.

“How much do you want to bet he buys her a ring?” Sam asked.

“No bet. Looks like Caleb really will be my brother.”

“You two have been that close for years. You’ll get over him being with Summer.”

“I’m over it already. I just needed to know he’s as serious as she is.”
