Page 30 of Can't Wait

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“Looks like I got my gift early.”

“I know, you like the hat,” she teased him, deliberately misunderstanding he meant making love to her.

Just to be ornery, he squeezed her ass and kissed her on the side of the head. “It is my favorite thing.”

She pinched his side and made him squirm and laugh. He blocked her hand from repeating the small hurt. “Besides you, sweetheart. You know you’re my favorite in the whole world.”

“Better,” she said, stacking her hands on his chest and smiling at him.

“You’re the best, honey.”

“I’m so glad you remembered.”

“I’m sorry about last night. Jack and Sam dragged me into town for a beer after the outstanding dinner you made us. We got to talking and playing pool and time got away from me.”

“It’s okay. If you want to hang out with my brothers more than me, I get it. I mean, what’s not to like. Beer. Ball games. Talking about horses and whatever nut-­job case Sam’s working on at the FBI.”

“Nothing compares to you, sweetheart. Sam’s only in town for a ­couple days. Now that we’re seeing each other, I thought it important to get to know him better.”

“You all seemed thick as thieves when you got home last night.”

“We had fun.” He rolled her onto her back and leaned down and kissed her softly. “I made it up to you when I got home.”

He’d fought so hard to make it back home after the war, only to discover he didn’t feel normal anywhere. Then he found her and discovered home was with Summer. Now he needed to make that home permanent.

He checked the time on the bedside clock. If he didn’t get her moving, they’d be late meeting Jack and Sam for his surprise.

Caleb gave her a playful smack on her very fine behind. “Go take a shower and get dressed. Something warm. I’m taking you somewhere.”

“Where are we going?”

“Christmas surprise.” He rolled out of bed and dragged on his jeans. “I have to run up to the big house for some clothes.”

“You can bring your stuff here. I’ll make room.”

They’d talked in general about the future they both wanted, but since this was so new, they’d skimmed over the details. No matter how long he’d known her, or what anyone might think, he aimed to make her his forever. Soon. Starting today.

“This place is rather small.”

“Yeah, we’ll need a bigger house soon.”

Her easy words made his heart leap. He hid his smile.

“I’ll be back in an hour to pick you up.”

He gave her a quick kiss and tried to pass her, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Her lips met his in a soft kiss, so tender, he felt her pour all her emotions into it. She ended the sweet kiss and touched her forehead to his.

“Our first Christmas together.”

“The first of many, sweetheart. Get ready. I’ll be back for you soon.”

She stepped out of his arms and walked into the bathroom. He rushed down the loft stairs and grabbed the bag he’d left outside the back door. He pulled the wrapped packages out and tucked them under her little tree for later. He turned on the Christmas lights and stepped back. She’d love it. After dinner and presents with Jack and Sam, they’d come back here and sit by the fire and open them.

Caleb rushed to the house and found Jack and Sam in the kitchen putting the turkey in the oven.

“Are you Betty Crocker wannabes ready?”

“Almost. We just need to finish off the stuffing, and then we’ll help you with the rig.”
