Page 10 of Vices and Vows

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I think about Tati and wonder if she’ll take the help I’m offering her when she wakes up. I think about Gia and the future she’ll have with Aldo if he starts using her the same way. But mostly, I think about putting a bullet in the man’s head. It might lead to my execution, but it would be worth it.

When my cell buzzes on the table, I pick it up. “Hey.”

“It’s done,” J’s voice states before hanging up. I breathe a sigh of relief, saying a silent thank you.

Four years ago, I stumbled upon an underground network that helped primarily women and children in danger disappear. Since then, I’ve sent seven people their way. Tati makes eight. I’d hoped she would take the help, but some people are so scared of the unknown that they stay, hoping things will change. The only change I see these days is death.

Tati must have come to the same conclusion. Up until now, she’d been determined to prove a point. She wanted to be more than the daughter of a traitor, but that was never going to happen. Swimming in bloody waters will always bring sharks, and Tati was easy pickings. She has no protection and no family. The problem is that the Mafia never lets peoplewalk away.

In about an hour, Tatiana will be pronounced dead. And in a few days, the assholes that destroyed her world will forget she ever existed. Then maybe she will finally be able to live the life she deserves.

A knock on the door has my head turning. I don’t get visitors, ever, and with my father away, I know it’s not him. Not that he ever knocks.

I grab my gun, disengage the safety, and go to the door, drawing back the drapes that cover the bulletproof window. My blood turns to ice when I see Vigo Fiore outside. The don doesn’t make social calls, not to my father, and certainly not to me.

Which begs the question: why the hell is he here now?

Chapter 4


Inever thought I’d say this, but I’m glad I’m wearing pants.

I sit on the edge of the sofa, watching him as he sits in the chair across from me with a glass of water in his hand.

“Is Gia okay?”

“Hmm?” He looks up and sighs. “Yes, Gia is fine, I’m sure.”

His words are dismissive, and something about them makes the hairs on my neck stand on end. The don might be many things, but dismissive of his daughter isn’t one of them.

“Do you remember the night of the attack?”

He doesn’t state which attack, and there have been many, but I know which night he’s referring to. The question makes me uneasy. I fiddle with my pendant. It’s a half medallion of the Archangel Michael, Patron Saint of Protection, and the only jewelry I wear. I think back to that day, but nothing stands out.

“No, sir. I don’t really remember anything. A couple of fuzzy images and someone telling me to hide. I thought I might remember more over the years, but that whole day is a blank.”

He swallows and stares at my necklace before taking a sip of his water.

“It’s to be expected. You were so young. I wish I could forget, but some ghosts will haunt us forever.”

Yeah, I have no idea what to say to that. This man has rarely interacted with me beyond the odd uncomfortable look or giving me orders regarding his daughter. Now, all of a sudden, he wants to chat? I’m not buying it.

“Is there something you want me to do?”

His eyes clash with mine, and for a second, I swear I see nothing but pain and regret in them.

“I want you to marry Aldo Lambardi.”

I bark out a laugh, but when his face remains serious, I realize he’s not joking.

“I don’t understand.” I try to keep my tone neutral when what I really want to do is scream in his face.

“I know you don’t.” He rubs his hand over his face, suddenly looking older than he is.

“Gia is in love with Aldo, and I’m sure he feels the same way about her.”

Okay, that last part is bullshit, but if there is anything that’s going to spare me, it’s his daughter’s feelings in this.
