Page 100 of Vices and Vows

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“Fuck. I love my wife.”

Conner laughs. “You didn’t know?”

“How the fuck would I know what to look for?”

“If it makes you feel any better, she loves you too. That’s why she’s so upset about what you did.”

“She’s right, you know. We should have warned her.”

“We don’t involve women in business,” Veck points out.

“She’s already involved. She put this whole thing into motion. And she’s the one most likely in danger. We’d be fucking dicks to cut her out now,” Isaac tells him.

“Plus, she’ll know shit that can help us. She wasn’t just a woman in their circles. She had access to confidential information and knows the ins and outs of who’s who. She knows far more than I do,” Miles points out.

I rub a hand over my face, trying to get my thoughts together, but I’m still dealing with the realization that I love my wife. I knew I wanted her. I even knew it was not in a good way, but in an unhealthy, obsessive way. But love? I don’t know what to do with that.

“Whatever happens, things are going to be intense. I need you to cover Nova.” I look at them. I nod to the bottle of scotch, which Veck slides to me.

“I need the four of you to move in. MacGyver and Nixon, too, eventually. There is plenty of room here for you all to have your own space.”

“We figured. What about the gatehouse? I think we need around-the-clock rotation, adding two extra men for patrols,” Conner suggests.

“Do it, but only bring in men you trust. If anything happens to Nova, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill you all,” I add, letting them know how serious I am.

I down my fresh glass of scotch, stand up, and head to the kitchen, needing food. I grab an apple off the counter before taking one of the menus from the top drawer and ordering a few pizzas to be delivered.

“Tell me what’s going on with Ralph’s shit,” I say to Isaac as he walks in.

“There’s been a little pushback, mostly from people with deals tied to either Ralph or Felix. The ones I thought you might be interested in, I’ve taken note of. The others are being shut down.”

“What’s the mood like? Do I have rioting in the streets to look forward to?”

“Actually, there’s a lot of relief. Felix and his brother weren’t liked at all. They ruled with fear. If you pissed one of them off, they didn’t come for you. They came for your wife, sisters, and daughters. You, though, intrigue them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re scared shitless of you. And some think they were probably better off with the devil they knew. But the others… They’ve heard the stories of what happened with Felix and Dano and can’t help but respect you for it.”

I walk back to the dining room with Isaac following me. Hecontinues his update as I eat the apple. When we enter the room, I take my seat and toss the core on the table.

“Cahill territory is between ours and Aldo’s. I don’t know if Aldo knows you’re taking it over. It might not be a huge slice of the pie, but its position is critical, and with it, we have nearly as much territory as he does.”

“Alright. I need a meeting with Ludovic and Amadeo. They’ve beencaposfor years. And out of all my father’s men, those are the two I don’t mind the most, basically because I got the sense they didn’t like Giovanni much.”

“Sounds like as good of a reason as any.” Veck laughs.

“That’s what I was thinking. They both have sons in their mid-thirties. Tell me about them.”

“I went to school with Gino, Ludovic’s son. He was a bully in school, but he sorted his shit out when his kid sister got sick with cancer. She died a few years ago, but he made her a promise that he would be a better man than the one he’d been turning into.”

I nod, interested in meeting him. “What about the other guy?”

“Rocky. He’s not a friendly guy, but he’s not cruel like Aldo. He lost his wife and son in a car crash a year ago, so he’s pissed at the world.”

“Too pissed to see clearly and make bad judgments, or pissed enough to see that a change of scenery would be just what he needs?”

“I don’t know. Why?” Miles frowns.

“You want them to watch over the new territory,” Isaac guesses.

“We can only be in so many places at once. And I need you guys here.”
