Page 101 of Vices and Vows

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“It’s not like you to hand over the reins to people you don’tknow, especially ones you don’t know if you can trust,” Isaac points out.

“Oh, we’ll be watching them like a fucking hawk, but there is a method to my madness.”

“Building strong ties within our family.”

I nod. “My father and brother caused a lot of damage, and I need to show the people who have faith in me that I won’t let things crumble under my reign. I want to show them that we’re stronger without those two fucks. Aldo will try his hardest to burn us all down, and the easiest way for him to do that is to tear us apart from the inside out.”

“I’ll arrange for you to meet them and see if they’ll be a good fit.”

“What about Felix and Ralph’s families?”

“Most left. Those that didn’t heed our warning were taken care of. There will be no blowback. It’s over,” Veck grunts.

“Good. That leaves the warehouses. How are they doing?”

“Only one is back up and running, and so is Sparkles. Two have been torn down, but construction is scheduled to start next week. The other two are still in the process of being gutted and cleared out. What do you want to do about the land near the docks? With that factory gone, it’s open space.”

“What about a restaurant?” Miles suggests. “The view of the water is good. There is a local fish market around the corner that could deliver to them. We always need more legitimate businesses.”

“It’s your idea, so run with it. Show me the proposal, and we’ll go from there. Anything else?”

Everyone shakes their heads as the doorbell rings.

“Good, because I’m fucking starving.” Miles moves to get the food as Isaac studies me. “What?”

“I was thinking about Nova.”

“I could put a bullet in your brain. That would fix that problem for you.”

“I meant, what is she going to do now? What’s her role? She’s been working as a guard for years—long, brutal hours where she was constantly on the go. Now what?”

I shrug, not sure what the fuck he wants me to say. “She obviously can’t carry on with her fucking job. Not now that she’s my wife.”

“I know that. I’m just saying she needs something to do.”

I think it over and frown. I don’t even know what she likes to do. “I’ll talk to her.”

“It might be a blessing in disguise. Sounds like she was exposed to a lot of shit she shouldn’t have been. That level of violence takes a toll on a person. She’ll probably be happy to be free of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she likes being a lady of leisure. Most do.” Veck grins.

Conner bursts out laughing. “You haven’t spent any real time with her yet. Trust me, Nova is as nuts as Vice. She just hides it better.”

Isaac smiles, and Veck looks around, confused.

“She punched Gia in the face in a houseful of guards sworn to protect her,” Miles admits, walking back in with pizza boxes in his arms.

“She stabbed a pen into a woman’s boob for looking at Vice.” Conner chuckles when Veck’s eyes open wider.

“She pinned Vice’s hand to her thigh with a fucking knife because he pissed her off,”Isaac tells him.

They all look at me for more. So, I tell them just how crazy my girl really is, trusting them. “She found out about the hit on me,” I admit, their smiles dropping. “She came on her own to the factory and waited for us to arrive. And when Dano tried to kill me, she put a bullet in his brain. She also took out Felix. She saved my life.”

“Fuck. I heard you tell Giovanni she killed your brother, but I thought you were just trying to piss him off. I didn’t know you were serious. That takes some fucking balls, Vice. It sounds to me like you didn’t just find a bride. You found your queen.”

Chapter 33


Isit at the top of the stairs and listen to them talk.
