Page 103 of Vices and Vows

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Someone says something, but I think it’s in Russian, so I have no clue what.

“My name is Nova, and?—”

Someone gasps, cutting me off.

“Nova? You are Nova?” A girl pushes to the front of the others. She’s rail thin and in need of a shower and a hot meal, but her eyes are clear and alert. She can’t be a day over fifteen, if that.

“Yes, I’m Nova. Can you tell me who you are?”

“I’m Irina. A man came. He told us his daughter would help us. He told us Nova would come. Will you help us?”

Shit, goddammit.

“I’m going to try. Can you tell me where my father is?”

The girl has tears running down her face as she speaks. “The others came. The ones who hurt us. He led them away, but he was hurt.”

I dip my head, noticing the blood stains on the floor. I try to keep it together as I come to a decision.

“They’ll come back. What Alessio—my father—did could get him killed. Let’s not let his actions be for nothing. We need to leave now. I want you to follow behind me and make yourself as small as possible. Can you explain to the others?”

She nods frantically before turning and telling the others inher native tongue what to do. Once everyone is ready, I lead them out, sweeping my eyes over the place for danger. We make it to the fence where I came in without an issue, but I’m not sure how I’m going to get some of the younger ones up there.

Suddenly, a hand wraps around my mouth from behind and yanks me back as the girls start to panic and cry. My training kicks in, and I swing my elbow back when I hear a grunt and familiar voice.

“It’s me, Nova. It’s me,” Vice growls in my ear.

All the fight leaves me, and I slump in his arms for a second before he releases me. I turn and see Isaac, Conner, and Veck just behind him.

“What the fuck is going on?” Vice hisses.

“I need to get these girls out of here. Now, before the guards come back. Alessio is leading them away. He...he’s hurt, Vice. There was blood, and—” I take a deep breath. Now is not the time to lose it.

“Jesus, Vice, these girls are young,” Conner whispers.

“They were locked in a storage container. I don’t know how Alessio found them, but we need to get them out.”

“I’m going to spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week once this is over.”

“I don’t care what you do to me. Just help them.”

He kisses my forehead before turning to his men. “Do we have bolt cutters in the car?”

“Yeah, but it will probably trip the alarm. We’ll have to help them climb over,” Conner states.

Vice turns to me. “I won’t do anything until you’re on the other side of this fence.”

I open my mouth to argue but shut it quickly. “Okay, justhurry.”

He nods. “Do it.” And Conner shimmies up the fence, stripping off his suit jacket and laying it over my sweatshirt before climbing the rest of the way over.

I turn to Irina. “This man is my husband, and these are his friends. They are going to help us all get over the fence, but we have to hurry and stay quiet.”

“They won’t hurt us?”

“No. Never.”

She looks terrified but nods and tells the other girls what I said as Vice climbs to the top of the fence and waits for me.
