Page 104 of Vices and Vows

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“Let’s go,bambola.”

I climb up. When I reach Vice, he helps me over, handing me off to Conner, who is waiting on the other side. Isaac and Veck step forward and eye the girls.

“I think the younger ones need to climb on our backs. It will be quicker,” Isaac tells Irina softly.

She blows out a breath and tells the others. They huddle together, but Irina pushes one of the smaller girls toward Isaac, who swings her onto his back. The scared girl grips his neck tightly as he climbs the fence like fucking Spider-man, handing her to Vice, who then passes her down to Conner and me. I wrap my arms around her as Veck does the same with another girl. They keep going until only Irina and one other girl about the same age remain.

“You ladies want to climb or have us carry you?”

“I can climb,” Irina answers stiffly, the other girl following suit.

Isaac and Veck hover near them to make sure they don’t slip. The nameless girl reaches Vice first. He helps her over and hands her off to Conner just asIrina slips.

Vice jerks his hand out and grabs her wrist. “I’ve got you.” He lifts her and helps her over as the rest of the guys climb down to us.

Vice wraps his arm around me. “We need to get out of here.”


“Is a smart man. He’ll be long gone.”

I nod because I know we can’t stay.

“Where the fuck are we gonna take them?” Conner asks.

I bite my lip and look at Vice. He didn’t have to come. He sure as shit didn’t have to help me with them, but can I trust him with this?

Looking around at the girls, I know I have no choice. I pull out my cell and dial.

“Who are you calling?”

I hold up my finger to Vice as the call connects.

“Pick up at the end zone in thirty minutes. You’re gonna need a bus.”

“Jesus fuck. What kind of condition?”

“Need medical attention and food.”

“On it.”

They hang up, so I slip my cell away.

“Follow me. We’ll have to go on foot unless one of you is willing to drive the younger ones?”

“I’ll do it,” Conner offers.

We help him get them in the car, and he follows as I lead everyone else to one of the eight pick-up points I use.

It takes us longer than I expected, so we arrive just as the bus does. J and S jump out when they see me but freeze when they see Vice beside me.

“He helped me save them. These girls are from this territory, not Vice’s.”

“Fucking Aldo,” J snarls as he opens the doors to the bus.

I turn to Irina and reach out my hand, which she hesitantly takes. “These people will get you somewhere safe. They’ll make sure a doctor sees you and you get fed. Then they’ll try to find your parents, and if they can’t, they’ll find you a new home.”

“I can’t go back. It was my parents that sold me. They needed money to feed my siblings, but I couldn’t. I don’t.” She shakes her head.
