Page 108 of Vices and Vows

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“Then I’ll carry you.”

She huffs out a laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”

I just smile.

“I still can’t believe I let you do that.”

“You trust me. You might be mad, but you know I would cut off their fingers before I let anyone touch you.”

“I know.”

I roll onto my back, taking her with me. Her legs straddle my hips, and I use my hand to guide my cock into her pussy. She moans as she settles in, resting her head against my chest as I drag my fingers down her spine, making her shiver.

“You’ve spoiled me, you know. How will I learn to sleep without your dick inside me?”

“That’s not something you need to worry about. On the nights I can’t make it home, I’ll just take you with me.”

Chapter 35


It’s been three days since Alessio called me, and I haven’t heard from him since. To stop myself from going out of my mind with worry, I’ve spent most of my time holed up in my craft room.

When my stomach rumbles, I call it quits and head down to make a sandwich. Vice and his men have been busy since taking over the top spot, not to mention getting people in place to run the new territory. I’d been briefly introduced to Rocky and Gino. Both had been curious but polite, and neither had set off my red flag alarm. And given the men who have been in and out of my life, I think I’m somewhat of a red flag expert.

Speaking of red flags, I hear Vice talking on his phone as I walk past the bedroom. I dip into his office and put one of my latest creations on his desk before I head to the kitchen.

I find Turner pouring glasses of lemonade. I don’t acknowledge him. I’m not purposely being bitchy, but the man has worn down my last nerve with his condescending attitude. It’s onlybecause I know he’s been with Vice’s family for years and Vice trusts him that I ignore him instead of playing Whack-A-Mole with his head.

I hear him tut as I open the fridge door and start pulling out things to make a sandwich. I place them on the counter before grabbing two slices of bread, feeling Turner’s eyes on me.

“Is there a problem?”

“If you had eaten when the others did, you wouldn’t be messing up the kitchen again. I have other things to do today.”

“I’m more than capable of cleaning up after myself.”

He snorts. “After the pizza and glass fiasco, I doubt that.”

“Hey, I cleaned the cum off the table.” I didn’t, but he doesn’t know that.

He looks aghast. “You’re disgusting.”

“Blame Vice. He was the one drilling me into the wood.”

He grimaces before picking up the tray of glasses and storming out of the room. I shrug and throw together a chicken caprese sandwich and just manage to take a bite when Conner walks into the room with a dick in his hand.

He looks at me with a raised brow as I chew my sandwich. “Care to explain?”

I swallow and look at the three-inch pink crocheted penis in his hand. “His name is Goliath.”

“Not the explanation I was expecting,” he says as he steals my sandwich and takes a bite.


“I’m a growing boy, Nova. You really should have made more.”

Giving him a look, I grab another couple slices of bread and start making another sandwich.
