Page 115 of Vices and Vows

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Miles leans toward the glove box and pulls out his papers.

“I should let you know that myself and Mrs. Moretti are armed. Both of us have permits to carry,” Miles informs him, making the police officer instantly go on alert. He looks through the window at me and Nova, his eyes lingering on Nova long enough to make me scowl.

“What seems to be the problem, officer?” Nova asks himpolitely.

“A fugitive is at large. A woman robbed a convenience store and shot the clerk.”

“Oh no, that’s horrible.”

“It is. Would you step out of the vehicle, please, ma’am?”

“Is there a reason you need my wife to get out?”

“Standard procedure, sir. If you’ll remain seated.”

Nova climbs over me, popping the door open. With her hair down, she uses it to obscure the police officer’s view and whispers in my ear. “Trust me.”

“Sorry, officer, that door sticks.” She leaves the door open and walks around to the front of the vehicle.

“Your description matches that of our suspect. I’m going to need to search you. The driver said you were armed?”

“My gun is in my bag in the car. And with all due respect, if a shooting happened this morning, it couldn’t have been me since I was at a funeral with about a thousand witnesses,” she says overly loudly, making sure I can hear.

Other vehicles are slowing down now, and passersby are stopping to gawk at what’s going on. My first instinct is to get out and snap this asshole’s neck, consequences be damned. But she’s looking right at me through the window, willing me to let her handle it.

I slip her knife from my pocket and grip it tightly, giving her a minute, but that’s all she’s getting.

“Put your hands on the hood of the car, ma’am, and spread your legs.”

I turn to climb out, but Miles stops me. “Watch. She has that look in her eye. The one she gets when she’s about to fuck someone up.”

The cop moves behind her, patting her down. She backs intohim for a second before she swings around and grabs his arm, flipping him onto his back.

I jump out of the limo, and so does Miles, as another police car pulls up. Two police officers jump out with their guns pointed at Nova.

“Get down on the ground.”

“This man assaulted me. We have dashboard footage to prove it.”

I look at Miles with a question, but he just shrugs.

“I filmed it too. This pig made her bend over the car and spread her legs,” a man standing beside one of the stopped cars says.

“You assaulted a police officer.”

“I defended myself against a predator. I’m unarmed and being accused of shooting someone when I was at a funeral all morning. This man wanted to search me regardless. I agreed since I had nothing to hide, but that search became assault the second he threatened me.”

“Ma’am—” the female officer starts, but Nova continues.

“He said, ‘Aldo says hello.’”

The two police officers look at each other uncomfortably. Everyone knows who Aldo is, after all.

I grip the knife so hard that my hand cramps.

The male officer steps forward. “That’s not assault and doesn’t warrant?—”

She cuts him off. “Well, his wet fingers that are coated in my husband’s cum suggest otherwise. Have you met my husband, Mr. Moretti?”
