Page 124 of Vices and Vows

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“She’s here.” I pull out my gun and run toward the building closest to us, Conner, and Isaac hot on my heels. I yank the door open despite Conner yelling for me to wait, and I find a nightmare playing out before me.

Gia is lying on the floor in a crumbled heap, with half her head missing, and Aldo in a pool of blood. But that’s not what has me running inside. No, it’s the man with tears streaming down his face doing chest compressions on my wife.

“She’s not breathing,” he yells at me as I drop to my knees beside her.

She’s covered from head to toe in blood. There’s so much, it’s in her hair and eyes.

“Steven, right? You call an ambulance?” Conner asks, dropping down to do mouth-to-mouth.

“Yeah, it’s on its way.”

I stare at my wife. My home. My fucking everything as she fades away in front of my eyes. She’s everything I never knew I needed until she entered my life. I can’t do this without her. I lean over her, willing her to wake up, but she’s just not there. Everything that makes NovaNovais just gone.

I slip my hand into hers and find her knife clenched tightly in her hand.

“Aldo’s dead. He’s had his throat slit. I don’t know if he raped her or not, but she fought him till the end, Vice,” Isaac tells me softly as my eyes take in her bare legs and exposed lower half.

I shrug out of my jacket and cover her in a daze as Conner pulls back, his head bowed as he rests his hand over Steven’s.

“She’s gone.”

I look up at Isaac, feeling tears in my eyes and not giving a single fuck. “Be a better don.”

He frowns. “Vice?”

“I won’t leave her alone in the dark. I go where she goes.” And with that, I swipe Nova’s knife across my throat.

I hear them all roar as I fall back, my hand finding Nova’s. I hold her one last time as I bleed out next to her.

Fire licks up my throat, pulling me from the dark. My mouth is dry, and my tongue feels swollen. I crack my eyes open and lick my chapped lips.

I blink and look around, trying to get my bearings, when I see a familiar head lying on the bed beside my leg.

“Isaac,” I choke out. Jesus fuck, that hurts.

His head whips up, his eyes wide, before he jumps up andgrabs a jug of water from the table at the bottom of the bed. He pours me a glass, shoves a straw in it, and holds it out for me to sip. The icy coldness feels like a thousand tiny knives stabbing me in the throat.

As soon as the thought crosses my mind, everything comes flooding back. I shove the glass away, water spilling everywhere. “Nova.”

No. I’m supposed to be with her. I try to get out of bed, but Isaac stops me, and I’m too weak to throw him off me.

“She’s alive, Vice.” His words don’t register. All I can see is her bloody body and lifeless eyes.

He grabs my arms and shakes me. “She’s alive.”

I freeze as his words sink in. “What?”

He nods and sits down beside me. “She’s alive. The paramedics arrived after you passed out and got her back. She coded twice, but she’s stable now. She woke up before you did. I can’t believe you did that. What would have happened if she had woken up to find you gone?” he snarls.

“I need to see her.”

“Just fucking wait,” he snaps, which is unlike him.

He stands up and runs his hands through his hair as he paces. “She died, then you died. And honestly, neither of you should be here right now. And I swear to fuck, if you ever pull that shit again, I’ll kill you myself. I don’t want to be don. Do you understand me?”

He blows out a breath and leans on the table. “You lost a lot of blood, but because the angle was off, you didn’t cut deep enough to sever your jugular. The paramedic rode to the hospital with his finger in your neck the whole way. There’s some scarring, but you should make a full recovery.”

“Good. Now take me to Nova.”
