Page 126 of Vices and Vows

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The driver drops us off at home, but instead of heading inside, we walk down to the cliff edge and the shed at the far end of the property. I yank the door open and find a barely consciousTurner chained naked to the floor. He squints as the sunlight pours in, looking up at me with both relief and fear.

His fear makes my cock throb for the first time since waking up in the hospital.

“Vice, please forgive me. I’ll do better, I promise. I just wanted to make you happy.”

“String him up,” I order Miles as Isaac walks through the door.

Isaac goes over to help Miles as I survey the tools on the wall, just out of Turner’s reach.

“I trusted you. I trusted you with the only thing in this world that I love, and you betrayed me.”

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

I pick up a wrench and smash it into his teeth, smirking when he screams, and a handful drop to the floor.

“I could have sworn I asked you to cut out his tongue.” I look at Miles.

“I wanted to see what else he’d been up to. Turns out it wasn’t just you he loved. He loved your brother, too. He even got him a boy or two when he couldn’t get one himself, like a pedo 7-Eleven.”

I slam the wrench into his mouth again, making him cry and spit out blood. I toss it on the table before pulling out Nova’s favorite knife and reaching for his flaccid cock. Gripping it hard, I slice it off. His screams are like a symphony to my ears. I toss it to Veck as he enters the shed, and he catches it with a grimace.

“Motherfucker.” He drops it and stomps on it, making Isaac and Miles laugh.

“You knew Aldo would rape her, or at the very least, you assumed he would. You sick fuck. She should have been safe in her own home.”

I reach for the cattle prod and fire it up, smiling when it hums. I walk behind Turner and move my mouth to his ear. “Let’s see how you like it.”

I part his cheeks and shove the cattle prod up his ass, making him scream and pass out. I leave it there, whistling as I move around the front of him again.

“As much as I’d love to play a little longer, I need to get back to my girl.”

I slice him open, from his sternum to his pelvis, and watch as his intestines fall to the floor near my feet.

I hear Veck gag. The smell is pretty gross, but I’ve smelled worse. I grab the saw from the table and use it to open up his rib cage, and with a little bit of coaxing, I rip his heart from his chest just as it stops beating.

I hand it to Veck. “Bag this up for Nova.”

He nods, looking a little pale.

I toss the saw before heading to the wet room at the back of the house. I strip off and toss all my clothes in the furnace before stepping into the shower and washing away all the blood.

I stand under the water until I hear my phone ringing. I climb out and answer when I see it’s Conner.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Nova. She’s awake.”

I make it to the hospital in record time.

When I walk in, I find Conner pacing outside her room.

“The doctor’s taking the breathing tube out.” He rubs his eyes. “Have you thought about what you’re going to say? She doesn’t know you at all.”

“I’m aware.”

“She won’t wake up and magically be in love with you. That version of Nova is gone.”

“It doesn’t matter, Conner, because I’ve loved every version of that girl, and I always will. I made her fall in love with me once. I can do it again. All the dark and broken parts of her that fit mine are still in there. We’re connected.”
