Page 17 of Vices and Vows

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“Unstable. He’s the one who would usually take care of Dano’s problems. It’s the fear of Vice that kept their enemies at bay, but with Vice inside?—”

“Dano’s hold on being next in line for the throne is shaky.”

“Exactly. And according to my source, Dano?—”

Suddenly, I remember hearing rumors about the other Moretti son.

I bite my lip. “I did hear something about Vice being gay.” I assume it was just someone causing shit because if the Cosa Nostra isn’t progressive enough to see women as equals, it sure as fuck isn’t ready to accept same-sex relationships. Admitting to something like that would get him killed.

Alessio leans back and gazes at the ceiling, lost in thought. “I’ve heard the whispers too, but nobody goes after Vice and lives to tell tales about it.”

He sits back up, his eyes locking on mine. “His reputation is worse than Aldo’s. He has no conscience, no moral compass, and shows no remorse for any of his actions. He’ll cut a man’s tongue out with one hand while eating with the other.”

He licks his lips as he contemplates his next words. “Aldo is scared of him. I’m not sure what happened, but there was an incident when they were younger. Now Aldo steers well clear of the man.”

I lean forward. “What are you saying? Trade one psychopath for another?”

“The difference between Vice and Aldo is that Vice doesn’t have a thing for hurting women.”

That gives me pause. I rub my thumb over my lips. “Still, my name alone will make me his enemy, and I can’t hide it from him. The second Vigo dies, I’ll inherit, and it will all come spilling out.”

“The fact that you are who you are should make you more attractive to him. It’s a giantfuck youto Vigo if Vice has his daughter.”

“They’ll only drag me back. Unless…” I blow out a breath, trying to rein in my crazy thoughts. But no matter how many times I try to dismiss the idea, it seems like the only option.

“Unless what?”

“Unless I can convince him to marry me.”

“If he’s gay, he won’t be interested. You’ll need another?—”

I interrupt him, shaking my head. “If he is gay, marriage will be the perfect setup. I can act as his dutiful wife in public and behind closed doors, he can fuck whoever he wants.”

Alessio looks sad for a moment. “I want more than this for you.”

“I’ll be alive, and right now, alive is the best we’ve got. I’m just not sure he’ll go for it. He’s managed this long already. And truthfully, what protection can he really offer from inside?”

“Well, like I was saying, my source overheard Dano talking about taking Vice out.”

“Seriously? I thought you said Vice is the one keeping him in power.”

“He is. Or was. The problem is, while he’s been inside, he’s become somewhat popular.”

I cock an eyebrow at that.

“People think he should be the one to become the next don because, just like you, they want someone who will stand up to Vigo and Aldo. They don’t have any faith in Dano’s abilities, and with Vice getting out soon…”

“How soon?”

“Two weeks. If Dano is successful and gets Vice killed, there will be nobody to challenge him. And Dano won’t give a single fuck about you. If anything, he’ll make an example of you.”

“So, to get Vice on board, all I have to do is convince the man his brother is trying to kill him and that he should marry me, the long-lost daughter of the man he hates. What could possibly go wrong?”

Chapter 6

