Page 28 of Vices and Vows

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“Sounds good.” I leave without another word, feeling like I’m suffocating in there.

I head to the kitchen and find a handful of men standing around doing fuck-all. “Which one of you is the driver?”

Two of them put their hands up like they’re in fucking kindergarten.

“You.” I point at the young, lanky one. “Take me home.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but who are you?” one of the other men asks with a frown.

“I’m Vice Moretti.”

And that’s how you stun a room full of men.

“Sorry, sir,” the lanky kid stutters. “I’ll bring the car around.”

I nod and follow him out. I wait on the steps until he pulls up the car in front of me. Opening the door, I climb in, give him my address, and close my eyes.

A pair of intriguing dark ones stare back at me, much to my annoyance. I haven’t been able to get Nova out of my mind, and it’s starting to piss me off. I know I could have a woman at my place within the hour, ready to cater to all my needs. Hell, I could have two. But my dick doesn’t even twitch at the thought. All he wants is Nova.

With a sigh, I open my eyes and stare out the window, taking in the changes as they pass by. Some of the places I would frequent are gone, replaced with things like wine bars and… What the fuck is bubble tea?

I shake my head, thankful when I see my apartment up ahead.As soon as I climb out, the driver heads off without saying goodbye.

As I jog up the steps, I stop outside the door and take a deep breath. The place isn’t anything special. It’s just somewhere for me to crash. But I won’t be surrounded by dozens of inmates or have my father breathing down my neck.

I open the door and find my crew waiting inside for me, grins on each of their faces that mirror my own.

“Fuck, it’s good to be home.”

Chapter 11


“You’re sure?”

“As sure as I can be. Look, my contact has never let me down before. How do you want to play this?”

“Whatever happens, you can’t get involved. You have to stay far away from this whole fucking thing.”


“No. If something happens to you, I won’t be okay. Do you get that? I know I’m not really your daughter, and I’m the reason your whole life got fucked up, but to me, you’ll always be my dad. So if I lose you, then all this was for nothing.”

He is a huge part of why I’m not running for the hills. Staying is the only way I know to keep him safe. If he dies, then… I shake that thought away. Dying is not an option.

“Nova,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.

I give him a second to get himself together.

“I wasn’t allowed to love you.”

“I know.”

“I never broke the rules.”

“I know, Alessio. I under?—”

“I wasn’t allowed to love you,” he repeats, cutting me off. “But I broke every fucking rule when it came to you and loved you anyway. Don’t die,” he orders before hanging up, leaving me speechless.
