Page 50 of Vices and Vows

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“Looks like someone started the party already. Sorry to cut this short, Ralph, but I’ve got a bitch to wreck.”

He yells and curses as he continues to struggle, trying to get free. I pick up the chair I used before and swing it at him again. This time, when he hits the floor, nobody helps him up.

“Say hello to your brother for me,” I say before bringing the chair down on his head repeatedly. When the chair breaks and I’m left with just the leg in my hand, I swing it like a Louisville slugger at his face until he doesn’t have any discerning features at all. His nose, cheekbones, and jaw are all broken, and there is no skin left—just a bloody mess.

“Toss him in the grinder.” I order as I straighten up, not caring if he is dead or not. I drop the chair leg on top of Ralph as Veck drags him away.

Another excellent feature of this place is the industrial-sized kitchen that came with a huge meat grinder. It was initially used to make fresh hamburgers for the onsite restaurant. One of my men is a bit of a genius and can take anything and turn it into a weapon. It’s why we call him MacGyver. He modified it, andnow it’s a grinder-wood chipper. It makes disposal so much easier. Now, all it takes is a simple beheading, removing the limbs, and tossing everything inside, and out comes fish food.

I take the hand towel Isaac offers me and wipe my bloody hands with it. “Now, who’s next?”

“Fuck that. We didn’t sign up for this shit. We were just doing our job,” one of the men starts babbling.

“I get that. I do. I had to follow people and do shit I didn’t want to because of orders.” He relaxes at my words, but when I pull my gun and aim it at him, he freezes. “Do you know why there are lines in a coloring book? So that people learn early on that if you cross the lines, you’ll fuck everything up. You weren’t thinking about the big picture. You just followed Ralph like a little lamb. And now, the picture is ruined. I can’t get my warehouses back or undo the damage to my strip club, now, can I?”

I pull the trigger before the stupid fuck answers—it’s a fucking rhetorical question—and move on to the next guy, putting a bullet in his forehead before he can beg for mercy. The begging gets annoying after a while. When the last one starts bawling, I shoot him in the dick first before delivering the kill shot.

My ears are ringing like fuck, so I don’t catch what Isaac is saying. After a few moments of just staring at him, he shakes his head with a smirk and gestures for the others to drag the bodies away. Once we’re alone and I can hear again, he grabs a trash bag from the roll we keep here and tells me to strip, holding the bag open. I take off my clothes and toss them inside.

Once I’m naked, I walk over to the tiny wet room and clean myself up before donning the spare suit Isaac brought for me. Considering the years we’ve spent apart, he’s still good at anticipating my needs.

“I’ll call the cleaners once the guys have finished disposing of the bodies. Conner will send Claire home with a couple hundred dollars for her scream queen performance. Think he realized that wasn’t his daughter?”

“I doubt it. Fear usually overrides common sense. What about the family members?”

“They’ve been dealt with. They’ve been given two weeks to run far, far away. If they stay, they will be hunted like game.”

“Good.” I nod.

“So, how’s married life treating you?” he throws out the last part with a smirk.

I raise my eyebrow. “You suddenly concerned with my love life, Isaac? You’ve never asked me before.”

He’s quiet, prompting me to look at him.

“Ah, you thought I was gay too. It fucking baffles me how many people are concerned about where I stick my dick.”

“We just never saw you with women. Sure, you mentioned one once or twice in passing, but—” He snaps his mouth shut.

“You thought I was talking shit to hide the fact that I was gay.” I shake my head. “Do I seem like the kind of guy that cares? That’s why I never put the rumors to rest. It amused me to hear everyone whispering about me. Everyone thinks they know me, but they don’t know shit.”

“None of us loyal to you gave a fuck. If you were anyone else, it wouldn’t have been an issue, but you were the underboss. In the Mafia, being gay will get you dead, and we didn’t want that.”

“There is always someone wanting to kill me, and maybe one day they’ll succeed. But it won’t be because I’m gay.”

He doesn’t say anything as I button up my jacket and turn to leave.

“I’m heading out to the warehouses to check out the damage.”

“I’ll let you know when everything is done here.”

I nod and leave, walking back to my car, whistling. I pull out my phone and tap to see where Nova is. I stop halfway down the pier when I see she’s not at home but at the Fiore casino. I narrow my eyes, not wanting her around other men when I’m not there. Why the fuck couldn’t she just stay home?

Picking up my pace, I call her.

She picks up after three rings. “I’m at work,” she answers, sounding exasperated.

I blow out a relieved breath, glad she didn’t lie about where she was. “I thought you were off now until the wedding.”
