Page 7 of Vices and Vows

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“Thanks, Nova. I owe you one.” He hangs up before I can say anything else.

I don’t waste time. I wash my face and brush my teeth before pulling on a fresh suit and shirt. I might not be technically working, but I’ll get a lot more respect wearing this outfit than I would wearing a dress where I’m going.

I quickly braid my thick, dark hair to keep it out of my face. I don’t bother with much makeup—I rarely do when I’m working. A little lipstick and mascara is enough. I’m not out to impress anyone. Grabbing my keys, phone, and wallet, I shove everything into my pockets before slipping my gun into my holster and my knife into my boot and head out.

Driving over the speed limit, I arrive in fifteen minutes. Climbing out, I hand the keys to the valet, who’s looking at my 1967 Shelby Mustang with his mouth open and dick hard. I can’t help but laugh. Everyone is used to seeing me in the town car, which is a perk of the job. This year’s model is a top-of-the-line Bentley. Last year, it was a Rolls. Each car screams money, but they don’t turn heads like my baby. Of course, if anyone had seen what she looked like when I bought her, they would’ve reacted differently. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get her looking like this, but I can’t claim any credit for it other than picking the gunmetal gray color.

“Scratch it and die,” I warn him as I head inside.

I bypass reception and head straight for the elevators. Hitting the call button, I stand there and wait. When the doors slide open, I step inside and press the button for the thirteenth floor. Staring at myself in the mirrored walls, I wonder how this is my life—running around cleaning up everyone else’s messes—but shake itoff. Wishing for something different is a waste of time, and I know all too well how much worse things could be.

The ding of the elevator signaling my floor breaks me out of my thoughts as I straighten and wait for the doors to open. When they do, I walk down the empty hallway, knocking on the door at the end when I reach it.

It opens immediately. Steven looks at me with worry in his eyes.

“How is she?”

“She won’t let me or anyone else near her. She agreed to let me guard the door until you got here, that’s it. I’ve never felt so fucking helpless in my life.”

“You put a layer of protection between her and anyone coming through that door. Trust me, you made more of a difference than you’ll ever know.”

He scrubs his hand down his face. “Tell me what to do.”

“Where are you supposed to be right now?”

He checks his watch before answering. “I’ve gotta cover shift change in ten minutes, but then I’m finished in an hour.”

“Alright, I want you to go do what you’ve gotta do. I’ll take care of Tati.”

He looks like he’s going to argue, but he swallows down whatever he’s about to say. For better or worse, this is the world we live in.

“Okay, fine. But text me if you need me.”

“I will. I’m glad you called.”

He nods. We both know there isn’t anyone else he could call who’d give a damn. He turns and yanks the door open and lets it slam shut behind him, his anger palpable.

I latch the door and blow out a breath, readying myself beforeI head to the bathroom. Tapping the door, I announce myself, so she knows it’s me, before easing it open.

Tatiana is sitting in the bath as it fills. The room is beginning to steam up, but it does nothing to hide the damage done to the woman. I keep my emotions locked down, even though everything inside me wants to hunt down the animal that did this.

“Hey, Tati.”

Chapter 3


She lifts her head from where it’s resting on her bent knees and looks at me, a wealth of torture and shame in her eyes.

“Talk to me,” I tell her softly as I walk closer and get to my knees beside her, turning off the water so I don’t miss anything she says.

“What do you want me to say?” she whispers, her usually lilting voice flat.

“Do you need the hospital?” She shakes her head so hard I’m worried she’ll hurt herself.

“Alright, Tati, calm down. No hospital. But you have to tell me the truth. Do you need a doctor?”

I can treat cuts and bruises, but anything beyond that, I’m useless. Tears fall from her eyes as I gently run my fingers through her hair.
