Page 29 of Sole Survivor

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I open up a new screen and go over the latest information the cops and news stations have about the killer, and see nothing new has emerged. I tap my fingers on my desk before leaning back with a sigh.

My next move needs to be thought out. Running into her at the grocery store was okay for the first time, but it’ll take more finesse next time, now that Nathan has planted doubts in her head. Not that I’ll let him win. Right now, it’s my word against his. He might be a cop, but I’m the guy that gave her multiple orgasms.

I make the screen go dark when I hear knocking on my door.

“Come in.”

Fauna walks in with my coffee and places it on my desk before pointing to a stack of files she drops in front of me.

“Those all need to be signed and back to me by lunchtime tomorrow.”

“I’ll do them now.” I don’t bother to ask what they are. She knows I’ll read them through anyway.

“Thank you. Buzz if you need me.”

I nod and wait for her to leave. Once the door closes behind her, I turn the screen back on. I finish checking into things and set alerts to notify me if any of my trigger words or phrases come up.

Once done, I take a drink of my coffee and move on to the files.

I lose myself in work, reading and signing off on everything when my desk phone buzzes. I hit the speaker.

“Yes, Fauna?”

“Mr. Ward, I have a Detective Hask here to see you.”

I grin. Oh, this is going to be fun. I make sure the cameras are rolling, knowing I can usually poke a reaction out of him, before telling her to send Hask in. I lean back in my chair and wait for the knock.

“Come in.”

I watch with interest as the bane of my existence walks in. His walk is relaxed, but the expression on his face is anything but.

“Mr. Ward.”

“Detective. I seem to be seeing an awful lot of you lately. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you have a crush on me,” I joke, watching red creep up his neck. Whether from anger or embarrassment, I don’t know.

“Where were you on the fourteenth of October between the hours of?—”

I cut him off before he can continue.

“I was in Japan. I have business over there. I arrived in Osaka on the eleventh and flew back in yesterday.”

“And you can prove this?”

“Do I need my lawyer?”

“I don’t know, Ward, do you?”

“Well, it seems to me you are awfully determined to make me the bad guy, no matter what the evidence suggests.”

“I’m just doing my job. And everywhere I turn, your name comes up. Now, can you verify your whereabouts?”

“I flew out on my private jet. My name will be listed on the passenger manifest. I checked into my hotel, spoke to the concierge when I did, and once more when I left. The first few days, I was holed up in my room adjusting to the time change and finalizing the proposal. Besides the busboy or maid, I didn’t see anyone until I met with my client on the fifteenth. There will be records of me ordering room service, though: eggs Benedict most mornings, ramen or miso for lunch, and dinner was mixed—my favorites being takoyaki and gyoza. My second week, I mostly ate street food from market vendors. I’m not sure I’d be able to track them down to confirm seeing me, though.”

“It all sounds very convenient to me.”

“It’s only convenient because it’s the truth, no matter how much you wish it weren’t. I’m not sure what your issue is with me, detective, but I’m starting to think I might need a restraining order.”

His face flushes as he leans over my desk. “Don’t bother. You might be able to pull the wool over everyone else’s eyes, but it won’t work with me. I see you.”
