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“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I met you.”

Shock filled her. Maybe it wasn’t some stupid game.

“You have?”

“Yes. And you’re even more delicious than I thought you would be.”

Yikes. She was?

She couldn’t help but be pleased. Who didn’t want to hear that they were delicious?

What did it all mean, though? Did they both want her? Were they attracted to her? Would Ian be upset that Jack kissed her? But he’d explained that they planned to share a woman.

That woman could be you . . .

Whoa. No. She couldn’t go thinking like that. A kiss didn’t really mean anything other than a bit of attraction.

Although she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from thinking about what it would be like to be theirs . . .

“What now?” she asked.

“Now, we’re going to have a few hours of fun. Without worrying.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You can.”

“Are you always this confident?” she asked.

“Yep. Do you find it a turn-on?” he whispered.


Yes. She found everything about him a turn-on.

However, she wouldn’t be telling him that. Jack had enough of an ego as it was.

“Are you feeling better now? Less overwhelmed?”

“Yes, thank you. How did you know?”

“Sometimes things got too much for Ma. It was all too overwhelming for her. She’d just want to lie down in a dark room with no noise and rest. I thought this might work. Anytime you need a time-out, you come to me. I’ll help you.”

For as long as she was here, he meant.

But yeah . . . she just might do that.

“Are you ready now?” he asked.

Despite her fatigue, she nodded. “Yes.”

“Are you sure? We can find a spare room with a bed and just nap.”

That actually sounded good too. “I can’t nap in the day. I can only sleep at night.”

“Hmm. I have ways of getting you to nap.”

He did? Did she want to know what those were?
