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“Guys,” she said. “Chill out. I’m fine. I just . . . I don’t like being a disappointment.”

She heard someone suck in a breath. Then, there was the sound of a thud. She quickly glanced back to find Jameson rubbing his arm.

“Did one of you hit him? Bad guards. Bad,” she scolded.

Okay. She was losing it.

Jameson cleared his throat. Then, to her surprise, he crouched down beside her. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like a disappointment. You could never be that, all right?”

“Sure.” Unfortunately, he had no idea how much of a disappointment she already was.

Jameson’s gaze narrowed. “I mean it. You are not a disappointment.”

Her eyes widened in surprise at his stern tone. Yikes. She expected this from Ian. Not Jameson.

“I want to hear you say it.”

“What?” she asked.

“Say you’re not a disappointment.”

“Do you do this to all your patients?” she asked with a huff.

“The ones who call themselves a disappointment, I do. Although that’s only happened once.”

She blew out a breath. “I’m not a disappointment.”

“Good girl.”

Did he know what those words did to her?

Jameson leaned in closer. “Someone likes being a good girl.”

“Um. No. No idea what you mean.”

He grinned, but his smile quickly faded into a more professional look.

“Now, last I knew, I was the one with a medical degree, missy. So I’ll be the one that will do the diagnosing. Understand?”

She sighed, but nodded.

“Right. Are you all right with me pulling down your pants to get access to your hip?” he asked.

A blush filled her face which was silly, but she nodded. “Yes.”

She winced as she attempted to get her pants off.

“Stop,” Ian grumbled. “You’re hurting yourself.”

Yeah, but she had to get them down somehow. To her surprise, Ian slid out from behind her, before he carefully stood her up. He held her so she was several inches above the ground. Then, Jack kneeled and gently drew her yoga pants down to the tops of her knees.

“Can you . . . can you take them right off?” she asked, feeling her cheeks grow red with embarrassment. “It will be easier if I don’t have to keep pulling them on and off. I’ll need to find something else to wear.”

“I’ll get you something to wear,” Jack told her as he slowly removed the pants.

By the time they were done, she was feeling ridiculously exhausted.

They laid her back down and Jameson prodded and poked at her hip, which had her hissing in pain. Jack returned with a pair of track pants that definitely weren’t hers.
