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“Yeah? Then how come we found you in your uncle’s room when you were told to stay put?”

“I’m not sure I like being told to stay put.”

“Tough,” Jack said.

She bit her lip, unsure.

“Remember don’t be scared of me,” Jack told her softly. “I’d never harm you, baby. But I have to take care of you. It’s like an itch under my skin that I can’t get rid of until I know you’re all right.”

That was a slightly weird analogy. And kind of touching.

“I’ll go get her food.” Jack walked out of the room as Ian returned.

She carefully sat up, letting Ian rearrange pillows behind her back.

“I messed up, didn’t I?” she mused.

“We want to put your needs first, Little Misfit. Even if that’s something you don’t seem to be able to do. If that means we need to get strict with you, we will.”

“Because I’m your charge while I’m here?” she asked.

“Oh, Little girl. It’s gone beyond that.”

It had? What was happening?

“If Jack didn’t care about you, then he wouldn’t scold you. He wouldn’t care if you climbed up onto the roof and started doing cartwheels. He’d probably laugh and join you. The fact you’re seeing this side of Jack means he cares. Which is both good and bad for you. Because when Jack is all in . . . he can get intense. In fact, I’ve never seen him like this with anyone but Jameson and me. And with us . . . well, he’s never threatened to take our toilet privileges.”

“Again, it’s not a privilege, it’s a right. And what does that mean?”

“It means that we’re hooking up a monitor to watch you when we can’t be in the room with you,” Ian replied as Jack walked back into the room with the food.

What the heck?

“It should arrive soon,” Ian said. “Along with a few other things we ordered.”

Wow. They worked quick.

“That’s quick delivery.”

“There are special services that we use,” Ian told her as Jack placed the tray on the bedside table. She felt a tad queasy as she looked at the sandwiches and fruit salad. Not that it looked yucky. She just didn’t feel like eating.

“And if you need to go to the bathroom, then you’re to call out to us,” Jack told her. “We’ll carry you back and forth.”

“We nurse will be here later to stay with your uncle so you don’t worry.”

“I’ll check the bath,” Ian said. “How long did you keep that ice on for?”

“Ages,” she told him as Jack moved a chair closer and sat. Then he picked up a napkin.

Oh, had he made himself lunch too?

But nope. He tucked the napkin into the front of her long-sleeved top.

Like she was a kid who needed a bib.

That wasn’t embarrassing or anything.

“I don’t spill my food that much,” she muttered.
