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“Like what?” she asked in a small voice. Annoying? Silly? Crazy?

“So concerned about everyone else? Even at the expense of yourself?”

“Oh.” That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Not a bad thing. As long as you look after yourself too.”

Yeah. She wasn’t so good at that.

“What actually hit me, anyway?” Looking around, he picked up the shoe. “This?”

“Um, yes,” she replied, feeling silly. “I was trying to dress Ziggy. Sorry. Let me tidy up a bit.” There was stuff everywhere. She gathered all her things up and looked for a place to put them.

“That’s a lot of stuff you have there.”

“I know, Ian and Jack have been spoiling me.”

Something strange crossed his face. “Have they?”

She attempted to wriggle off the bed with her arms full. Jameson reached down and grabbed them from her arms. “I believe that I told you to rest.”

“You’re not the boss of me!” she told him without thought.

The dark look he gave her stole her breath. It made her want to get down on her knees and beg his forgiveness. To give him whatever he asked for.

Jameson was Dominant. With a capital D. She’d had an inkling . . . but even she was surprised. Mostly, he seemed calm and reasonable. But she could see a look in his eyes . . . something that told her that he liked control.

His hand shot out and grabbed her chin. Not hard, but definitely firm.

“You think not? You think I couldn’t be in charge of you, Shortcake?”

Oh, he could be.

Whether she would survive or not was another story.

“That I couldn’t get you to obey me? Have you down on your knees, begging me to take you . . . to fuck you . . . to give you the orgasm that you’d been denied?”

Holy. Crap.

She’d poked the beast. And she wasn’t sure she was ready for him to bite back.

“Not sure you can handle that?” he asked smoothly.

She raised her chin. No, she wasn’t sure she could. Not at all. But she wasn’t backing down.

For a long time, the fight had been broken out of her. Now, it seemed, it was coming back.

“I can handle you.”

He smiled. It was a wicked, sizzling smile. “Open your mouth.”

Her mouth popped open immediately.

“What a good girl you are for your Dom. So obedient. Sometimes, at least. Do you think you could be a good girl all the time? I’m not so sure.” His finger traced her lower lip.

Is that what he wanted? Someone who obeyed him without question? Who didn’t challenge him?

That didn’t feel right.
