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Relief filled her.

“Wait.” Jameson held up his hand to Ian. “Give me a moment.”

“Fix this, or I’m taking her out of here. Now.”

The big guy was pacing the room, looking upset.

“Maggie, I didn’t say you could look away from me,” Jameson said firmly.

Whoa. His voice packed a real punch.

“Shit. I see why you pulled back,” Ian muttered.


“Be quiet, Ian. I need Maggie to focus on me.”

Her gaze went back to his.

“Well done, sweetheart.”

When he praised her, it made her want to curl up in his lap and give him anything he wanted.

It was dangerous. Decadent.

And she wanted more.

“I want you to calm your breathing for me,” Jameson said in a low, commanding voice. “Take a deep breath and then I’m going to count as you let it out. In. Good. Now out, one, two, three, four, five. That’s it.”

“I’m not having a panic attack,” she told him.

At least, she didn’t think she was. She hadn’t gone all hot then cold. The room wasn’t spinning. Her breath wasn’t trapped in her lungs.

“You were on the verge of one,” he explained in that same calm voice.

“I’m still not going in that machine,” she said.

He narrowed his gaze and she glanced up at Ian for back-up.

“Uh-uh. No. Eyes back to me.” Jameson’s voice was adamant and had her immediately paying attention to him. “Good girl. You weren’t given permission to look away from me.”

“I don’t think I need permission to look away from you.” She wrinkled her nose, but didn’t look away.

“You do right now.”

“Jesus,” Ian muttered.

“Ian, you need to be quiet or leave.”

It was all too much. She loved the way Jameson was taking charge. His Dom voice. But she couldn’t give in.

So, instead of behaving and following his commands like she really wanted to, she put her hand up to the side of her mouth. “He’ll find that hard. Mr. Chatterbox, that one.”


That one word in that tone completely stole her sass. She bit her lip, glancing at Jameson worriedly.

“Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart,” he said soothingly. “But I want you to concentrate on me.” Jameson took her hands in his. “Your hands are freezing.” Getting up, he grabbed a blanket from a cupboard and placed it over her legs. “Why didn’t you say something?”
