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Ian watched her walk away with a frown.

Something stirred inside him. Something that felt like worry.

But that would be ridiculous, right?

Why would he feel concern over that pain in the ass? She was a mess. A brat.

Definitely not someone he should worry himself about.

Only . . . was she limping?

Had she hurt herself when she’d fallen? She needed to take more care. What if she’d been seriously harmed?

“Ian, that wasn’t very nice.”

He almost jumped at the voice from behind him. Alarm and anger flooded him as he realized he’d forgotten his primary job. To guard the princess and her friends.

Instead, he’d been obsessed with watching that brat.

She’d distracted him.

A cardinal sin.

“Excuse me?” He tried to act like he hadn’t just been caught out. Turning, he stared down at the women he was charged with protecting.

They were the job.

Not the misfit.

“Why were you so mean to Maggie?” Alina asked, looking worried. She yawned. She needed to go home for a nap. His Daddy Dom instincts pushed at him.

But she wasn’t his Little. And he had no doubt that one of her men would soon be here to take her home and fuss over her.

He wondered if the misfit had anyone taking care of her?

Nope. Not your concern.

Besides, she had her uncle. And Jack.

Ian wasn’t sure what Jack’s play was. He’d rarely seen him take an interest in a woman like he was with Maggie. He could just be doing it because he knew she rattled Ian.

Jack could be an asshole like that.

“You should be nicer to her, Ian,” Pippa said, chastisement in her voice.

He turned to stare at her in surprise. “I wasn’t mean to her.”

Had he been?

Sure, he wasn’t gushing over her like Jack was, but he hadn’t been mean.


“Just . . . try to be kinder,” Chloe said. “I think there’s something going on with her.”

“Like what?” he snapped.
