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“Did?” Ian asked.

“Did you know her uncle wants to stay, but that Maggie is the one that wants to leave? She doesn’t want to stay here. With us.”

Ian shook his head. “What are you talking about?”

“William said he wants to stay but when he talked to Maggie, she said she couldn’t.” Had she been stringing Ian and Jack along? He felt sick at the idea.

“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?” Jack asked. “There’s a difference.”

“Why wouldn’t she be able to stay?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Jack replied. “But until we talk to her, then we won’t know, will we? There’s no use making assumptions. She’s not Elizabeth.”

“Jack,” Ian warned.

“No, he’s right,” Jameson said. “For a long time, I’ve been using Elizabeth and what happened as an excuse to hide away. To lick my wounds. To suppress my needs. I realized that I’ve been letting her ruin my life. I won’t allow her to do that anymore. To upset what we could have. I want that back and I won’t let her stand in our way. If that’s what the two of you want as well.”


Maggie stepped out behind the tent, breathing in deep. She was utterly exhausted. They were close to finishing up and she was grateful as she didn’t think she could handle much more.

She wanted to head back home with her guys. Maybe take a dip in the pool. Perhaps she could wear the outfit that Ian had bought for her yesterday. It was a pale green dress with a zebra on the front.

It was adorable and just what her Little wanted.

Where were Ian and Jack? She’d looked around before coming back here, but hadn’t seen either of them.

She headed toward the vehicles. Uncle Willy wanted a special filter for a few more photos. Most of the security was gone except for Beck and Hux.

Still, it was weird that Ian wasn’t following her around, pressing her to eat and drink. Or that Jack wasn’t there to tease her. He’d pulled her behind the tent at lunchtime and kissed her until her legs had turned to jelly.

“I realized that I’ve been letting her ruin my life. I won’t allow her to do that anymore. To upset what we could have. I want that back and I won’t let her stand in our way. If that’s what the two of you want as well.”

She froze at the voice. Was that Jameson?

Who was the ‘she’ he was talking about? Was he talking about her? Did he think she was standing in their way? How would she be ruining his life, though?

She quickly hid behind the last car and peeked over to where the three men were standing. Jack and Ian had their backs to her while Jameson was facing her way. It seemed that he hadn’t seen her, though.

“You know that’s what we want,” Ian said. “It’s what we’ve always wanted. That’s why we moved here. For you, mate. After what happened, we knew you needed space. We understood it.”

“I didn’t,” Jack said. “Why the fuck did you need space from us? It was the three of us for years and then you just ran away. Abandoned us.”

You really shouldn’t be listening.

She’d always been a nosey parker.

“Jack, I didn’t . . . I didn’t mean for you to feel that way,” Jameson told him. “I never wanted to hurt you.”

“But you’re sure you’re ready now?” Jack asked. “Because I won’t be so forgiving if you pull away from us again.”

“I won’t pull away again. The lies and manipulation were hard to see past. I think I knew deep down what was happening, but I couldn’t come to you both until now. I’m sorry for hurting you both. But I want to move on . . . with someone suitable for all of us.”

Someone suitable for all of us.

She knew that wasn’t her. She wasn’t sophisticated enough. Old enough. And apparently, she was ruining his life. Although she didn’t understand how.

She tuned back into what she was saying, realizing she’d missed a chunk.
