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“You need to eat some lunch. Then have a shower and brush your teeth. I’ll do your hair.”

“So what you’re saying is that I look like crap.”

His face grew serious rather than smile like she’d thought he might. He cupped her chin. “You are beautiful no matter what. But it’s time we looked after you. All right?”

“Okay.” She glanced over at the food Jameson made. A whole wheat sandwich with cheese and lettuce. Cut-up fruit. Slices of cheese. And plain yogurt. “This food sucks.”

“Yeah. It kind of does. But you need some healthy food.”

“I want your pancakes.”

“I’ll make you pancakes tomorrow for breakfast.”

“With chocolate chips?”


“And smiley faces.”

“Pfft. Are they even proper pancakes if they don’t have smiley faces made with chocolate chips in them?”

“I don’t think so.” She grasped his hand. “Thanks, Ian. For not giving up on me. For being here. For loving me.”

“You never have to thank me for that.”

She nodded. “Where’s Ziggy?”

He opened a drawer and pulled him out. Poor Ziggy, she’d been neglecting him too. She hugged him tight. “No one locks Ziggy away!”

“He wasn’t locked away, Little Misfit. He seemed to be upsetting you.”

“Ziggy could never upset me.” She could feel her Little side pulling at her. It would be easy to sink into Little headspace and let Ian take over for a while.

“Um, Ian . . . could I . . .”

“You never have to ask. I only ever want to give you what you need.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

He ran his finger over her trembling lips and she nipped it lightly.

“Now, time to eat.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t wants this food. It’s yuk.”

“Oh, look, your naughty girl notebook is also here. Let’s add a few things, shall we?”

She snatched it out of his hand. “I can’t believe that was in there this whole time!” If she’d known, she could have gotten rid of it.


“I think it might be best if we keep it hidden somewhere,” Ian told her.

Okay, so obviously, she’d looked a tad bloodthirsty.

“Are any of Ziggy’s clothes in there? I want to get him dressed. He’s nakies.”

“Well, he’ll have to stay nakies for a bit longer, as we’ve got to take care of you first.”
