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Her body kind of liked that idea.

She was in trouble.

“Who drugged me? Someone fucking must have!” Jack growled.

Maggie gave Jameson a wide-eyed look.

He grimaced and nodded. “That was me.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Jack snarled.

Uh-oh. She needed to calm him down.

This time, as Maggie climbed off Jameson’s lap, he let her. She slowly approached Jack. Much like you might a dangerous animal.

“Jack? Jackie? Sir Daddy?”

He took in a deep breath.

“Come here. Come to me,” she crooned.

Jack shook his head. “Have to stay on guard. Protect you.”

She put her hand on his back. He wasn’t choking Ian. And surprisingly, Ian was staying still and not fighting back. Maybe because they all knew how close to the edge of losing control Jack was.

“Jack, you’ve done a great job of protecting me. But now, we need to take care of you.”

He shook his head. “Still have to watch you. All the time. Jameson drugged me!”

“You needed sleep,” Jameson said. “You can’t take care of Maggie if you’re sleep-deprived.”

“I can’t fall asleep!” Jack yelled.

“Let go of Ian, Jack. I’m here. I’m fine.” Her heart wept for him. Her poor Jack.

He let Ian go and spun toward her, lifting her into his arms. “Got to watch you. Keep you safe. Day and night.”

A thought occurred to her. “Do you watch me at night? Do you watch me sleep, Jack?” Because she’d been having those weird feelings of being watched again.


“Even before I was taken?” she asked, leaning back to peer up at him.

“I was keeping you safe.”

God, he looked terrible. And any desire to scold him dried on her tongue. She laid her head on his chest. I’m always safe with you, Jack. It wasn’t your fault I was taken.”

“Have to watch you. Keep you safe.”

Shit. He wasn’t thinking clearly.

“Jack, you need to sleep. Please. Come nap with me. I need you.”

“You need me?”

“I need you. Take me upstairs. I want to nap. With you.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist as she rested in his arms. Her thumb moved into her mouth as she sighed in contentment. He held her against him with one hand. The other hand lightly patted her bottom.
