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Toughen up, princess.

What right do you have to cry? You’ve got to tap into the pain. Use it. Fight.

“Whoa. Are you all right?”

Opening her eyes, she found Ian standing about a foot away from her. That was disturbing. She peered up into his eyes. Yeah, definitely crow’s feet. Of course, on him, they looked all sexy and stuff.

It was official. She was losing her mind.

“Never better,” she replied. “Fine and dandy. Sweet like candy.”

Dear Lord.

Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse. They did. Now she was speaking in tongues. Some weird sort of rhyming language that was frankly disturbing.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked as he gaped down at her.

He really needed to stop staring at her like that or people would start thinking that he liked her.

She was people.

“You were swaying.”

Oh. Right.

Well, that was because she was exhausted. Not just physically but emotionally as well.

Stop being a cry baby. Put on your big girl knickers, throw out the vase, then get your ass upstairs, make sure there are no monsters in the wardrobe or under the bed, and get into bed with your toy zebra.

She was rocking this adulting stuff.

“There’s blood on the floor of the foyer.”

Maggie turned at Jack’s voice.

“Why is there blood on the floor?” Ian demanded. “What did you do?”

“What makes you think I did anything?” she asked, insulted. “Really, you need to work on these issues of yours.”

“What issues?” he asked.

“There’re so many that I don’t have time to name them. That’s what a therapist is for.”

Ian put his hands on his hips. “Why is there blood on the floor?”

“It’s coming from her,” Jack said grimly. “I think she’s hurt herself.”

Really? Where had the funny, easygoing guy from earlier gone? Why didn’t he make some cheesy remark about how she was dying for him or something like that?

Suddenly, Ian picked her up and the box dropped from her hands to the floor. He held her up in the air with his hands around her waist, her feet dangling in the air.

She gaped down at him. What the heck? Okay, she was a good foot shorter than him, but most people wouldn’t be able to pick her up like this.

Then again, Ian wasn’t like most people. The guy was built like a bear. And had the temperament of one too. Hmm, maybe he just needed something to soften him up.

“How do you feel about honey?” she asked.

“Honey?” He stared up at her.
