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However, she couldn’t do that yet. Not until she got this all off her chest.

“I just called my best friend, Indie. She’s . . . she’s pregnant.”

“Right. She’s the one you’ve been gathering names for,” Ian said.

“Yes. But I . . . she said she’s been trying to call me. She . . . Indie’s in hospital. I need to get back to her. I’m the only person she has.”

“In the hospital?” Jameson asked. “Is there a problem with the baby?”

“They’re monitoring them both,” she said faintly.

“What aren’t you telling us?” Ian asked

A tear dripped down her cheek and Jack made a noise like he was in pain. Ian started down at her intently while Jameson rubbed her arm soothingly.

“She was . . . she was beaten.”

“What the fuck?” Jack whispered.

“Who the hell would beat up a pregnant woman?” Ian barked.

“How far along is she?” Jameson asked, the only one who seemed to be keeping his cool.

“Four months,” she said.

“All right. The baby should be well-protected. Did she say anything about her condition? The baby’s?” Jameson asked.

She shook her head. “She s-said they’re both o-okay. But she w-would say that to p-protect me. I need to g-go home. Not j-just for Indie. But Uncle Willy. But I don’t . . . I don’t . . .”

“You don’t what, Little girl?” Ian asked, cupping her face and wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

“I don’t want t-to leave you guys.”

“Then it’s simple,” Jack said. “We’re coming with you.”


Maggie gaped at Jack. Then she moved her gaze to Ian. Finally, she glanced hesitantly over to him.

Jameson tried to look calm. He didn’t know if she needed him to come or not.

This isn’t about you. It’s about Maggie. She comes first.

“You guys can’t go with me,” she said quietly.

“Why not?” Ian asked.

“Your jobs. You can’t leave at such short notice.”

Jack snorted. “If there’s one thing the princes understand, it’s putting your woman first. We’d be in more trouble if we didn’t go with you.”

“Really?” she asked.

Jameson watched as hope filled her face. She really didn’t understand her value, did she?

You need to show her.

“We’re coming,” Ian said firmly.
