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“Good.” He put a cushion on the floor by his feet. “Oh, one question first. Have you ever had anal sex?”

Eek. “No.”

“Hmm, have Ian and Jack been preparing you? It wasn’t one of your limits.”

“Um, no, it’s not a limit. But they also haven’t been, uh, preparing me.”

“All right, so we’ll grab a set of trainer plugs and a paddle.”

He pointed to the cushion while she gaped at him. Not over having to kneel.

Over the fact that he was buying her training plugs and a paddle.


But she moved onto her knees next to him.

“Back straight, head down, hands on your thighs,” he commanded.

She moved into position.

“Nice deep slow breaths. That’s it.”

He went back to typing on his computer. She wondered what else he was going to buy. Reaching out, he placed his hand on top of her head. “This is quiet time, precious girl. Let your thoughts go.”

She was trying. She focused on his typing. His fingers running through her hair. And, slowly, a sense of calm started to spread through her. Every time a thought came, she pushed it away, locking it down.

The knock on the door shocked her and Jameson swore quietly.

“I’m sorry, precious girl. I didn’t intend for you to still be kneeling when dinner arrived. Come here.”

Acting as though he had all the time in the world, he lifted her, then set her down on the couch, wrapping the blanket around her. Then he kissed her forehead and answered the door.

He didn’t let the person on the other side come in. Thank goodness. Instead, he carried a huge tray on his own and set it on the table.

“Do you need help, Papa?” she asked.

His eyes widened slightly and he smiled. “No, precious girl. You just stay there for me.”

Jameson laid everything out, then came over to where she sat. He drew off the blanket and led her over to the table.

“Now, you’re to sit on the chair with your hands on your thighs. Do not move them.”

How was she going to eat?

Then she noticed the food. A plate with a huge steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. A bowl of steamed vegetables and a side salad.

Jameson picked up the knife and fork and cut into the steak. He brought the piece to his mouth and she thought he was going to eat it. But he merely tested the temperature.

Then he held it to her mouth.


She took the piece of steak, chewing slowly.

“You might not like everything on here. But we’ll figure that out together. You have to try it all. If you don’t like it, shake your head. If you don’t try something, you’ll have to eat it all.”

Sheesh. When did he get to be so mean?
