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“She went to your apartment that day to tell you. Billy followed her, but he had the footage doctored to remove him. He took her home and beat her. Warned her away from going near you again. Oh, and he stole your precious plans at the same time.”

“He what?” Rock said in a low roar that shocked her. He stepped forward and Jack stepped back in front of her. “Tell me.”

She breathed in slowly, trying to calm herself.

“My girlfriend has recently been kidnapped,” Jack said. “She was terrorised, hurt. Then she gets home only to find her best friend beaten and in the hospital. So you will refrain from yelling at her or I will end you, understand me?”

“Like to see you try,” Quaid replied.

“That’s it. We’re leaving,” Ian barked.

“No,” Rock said. “Tell us about Indie.”

She pushed at Jack, but he didn’t move and she had to peer around him.

“He beat her. Wrecked our apartment. She has nothing now. I’ve been saving so she . . . so she can take time off after the baby is born. But now we’ll either have to use that to get a new apartment or move to Escana.”

“Baby?” Slade’s voice was raw. His face was filled with pain and it made her soften.

“Yeah. Baby. She’s pregnant.”

“Bloody hell!” He stood, running his fingers through his hair. “He beat her while she’s pregnant with his kid?”


“I think it’s time we left, Little girl,” Ian said, taking hold of her hand as Slade let out a pain-filled yell.

“I’ll let you out.” Quaid led the way, stopping at the door as they walked out. “Is she . . . is she okay?”

“No,” she said in a tight voice. “She’s really not.”

They stepped outside and she took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

“Come on, Little girl. Let’s go.” Ian pulled her up into his arms.

“Could we go to the hotel, watch a film and forget today happened?” she asked.

“Anything you want, precious girl,” Jameson told her.

“Just let me know if you want me to mess up their lives. I can make them all miserable,” Jack told her.

“Let’s just see what their next move is first. If they’re still being wankers, then you can make them miserable.”

“Goody.” Jack grinned.


The next day as they were getting ready to go to the hospital to collect Indie the call came.


The familiar voice had relief flooding her. She sat on the sofa abruptly. “Uncle Willy?”

Her men turned to her, watching her intently. But she focused on her uncle.

“Yes, dear. Some woman gave me your new number. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Uncle Willy. Are you all right?”
