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“Noises?” she asked.

“Hmm. What do you like? The rollercoaster?” Jack put some egg on the fork and then moved it up and down as though he was riding a rollercoaster. Then he screamed, making her jump.

“What was that?” she cried.

“That’s what people do on a rollercoaster, right? They scream. Now, open wide, it’s coming into the tunnel.”

She just stared at Jack.

“What?” he asked.

“Idiot, there’s no food on the fork now,” Jameson told him tightly.

“Oh, whoops.”

Maggie started giggling. Did she really find that funny? Jackwasbeing an idiot, and Jameson wasn’t sure what he thought he was doing.

“Just move aside and let me do it.” He pushed at Jack as Maggie stared at him in surprise.

“I thought you had to go. You need your beauty sleep, remember?” Ian said, grabbing his shoulder and steering him away from Jack and Maggie.

“Let’s try this again. I know, how about a boat this time? It can be on rough seas.”

Maggie giggled and the sound hit him like a fist to the gut. He had to get out of here. Now.

He rushed past Ian and toward the door.

“Wait up,” Ian commanded.

“I’m leaving.”

“Jameson.” Ian reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Stop for a moment.”

“You could have handled that small cut on her foot yourself,” he told the other man, whirling around. “You and I both know that. So why call for me?”

“I wanted her to have the best medical care available.”

Jameson just stared at him and Ian sighed. When had he started looking so tired?

He couldn’t remember Ian ever seeming this knackered. Even when they were in the armed forces.

Then again . . . Jameson seemed to look more and more weary every time he glimpsed in the mirror.

“And maybe I wanted to see you. You don’t have to avoid us, you bastard. We’re not going to force you into anything you don’t want.”

Meaning a relationship with the two of them. Not a sexual one. They weren’t attracted to one another. But a relationship with the same woman. Where they shared her and worked together to protect and cherish and love her.

Only . . . Jameson no longer wanted that. He’d run from that. From them.


“I’m not avoiding you,” he told Ian.


That’s what he was. A liar.

“I’m going now. Make sure she stays off that foot for at least the next twelve hours and that she doesn’t get it dirty.”
