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She frowned. “Not too bad. I had some weird dreams.” She’d dreamed that someone was in her room, watching over her as she slept.

Which was bonkers because she’d locked her door last night. And when she’d woken up, it had still been locked.

So there was no way that anyone had been in her room. Not to mention that they’d have to get into the house in the first place.

Losing. Her. Mind.


“Oh yeah. Like a baby. I always do.” He stepped back and she felt a stab of loneliness. Was he leaving?

But to her surprise, rather than walking away, he just grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt and drew it up and over his head.

Holy ab-balls.

Were those real? Were they possible? She’d never seen someone that was so ripped in real life. Seriously, she thought all the images she’d seen of someone with that many lines and muscles must have all been faked.

That it wasn’t possible to be that cut.

But here was the proof. Was she drooling? She wiped discreetly at her chin as he grinned at her, then turned and dove into the pool. Whoa. How did he do that without making a splash? When she dove into the water, it was like a whale playing a game of volleyball.

Not pretty.

He started swimming smoothly through the water. And she just sat there, staring like a complete perv.

“Are you wearing sunscreen?”

She was snapped out of watching Jack to see Ian storming toward her.

“Does it take a lot of energy to be that grumpy all the time?” she asked.

“What? I’m not grumpy all the time.”

“You are literally frowning at me right now.”

“No, I’m not.” He ran his finger over his forehead. “Am I?”

“It’s sad how out of touch you are with your feelings. Would you like to sit down and tell me all about it?”

“Well, you see . . .” He sat on the sun lounger next to her. Then he jumped to his feet as he realized what he’d done. “Wait a minute! No, I wouldn’t. There is nothing for me to talk about. Do you have sunscreen on?”


“How did you get up here? You’re not supposed to be walking on your foot.”

“Jack brought me,” she lied.

“Are you lying to me?” he asked suspiciously.


He crossed his arms over his chest. “So if I were to ask Jack whether he carried you up here, he’d say yes?”


Whoa. She’d never been such a liar before.

It seemed like it was something that Ian brought out of her. That couldn’t be a good thing. Perhaps she should stay away from him.
