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“Shouldn’t there be a discussion of limits and safewords?”

“You’ve played before? Have you been to a club?”

“Um. Yes. A few times.” Indie’s brother ran a BDSM club in London which is the only reason she could afford to go. Because it was free. Slade wasn’t talking to Indie at the moment—the big fat jerk. So she hadn’t gone in a while.

Surprise filled Ian’s face. Followed by anger. “What club? Who was looking after you? Did they have monitors? Were you there with a Dom or on your own? Did you tell someone you were going? Give me the name of it right now!”

“Whoa, slow down. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack.”

“I need to know that you were safe.”

“I was safe. My best friend’s brother owns the club I used to go to. He made sure we were protected. I didn’t . . . I never played that much. I can’t . . . I find it hard to submit if I don’t know someone. Mostly, I watched or hung out in . . .”

“In what?”

She wasn’t sure she was ready to go there.

Ian brushed her crusty hair off her face. “I’m a Daddy Dom.”

She jumped, her eyes widening. “You are?”

Well, that’s what she’d tried to say. Only, somehow, her thumb had slipped into her mouth, so it came out all garbled.

“It’s not nice to talk with your mouth full,” Ian scolded, his eyes twinkling with laughter as he removed her thumb from her mouth. “And your thumb is really dirty.”

Yeah. It was. And it really didn’t taste good.

“You are?” she repeated.

“Yep. Have been for a long time. I first discovered I was a Dominant in my early twenties when I was in the armed forces. Jack and I would go to clubs in our downtime. Then I met a mentor who was a Daddy Dom and discovered that was who I really was.”

“And Jack?”

“Jack’s a Dominant.” He didn’t say anymore.

But she understood. It wasn’t fair to talk about Jack without him here. She wanted to ask about Jameson. But held back.

“Are you a Little, Maggie?”

She nodded.

“Words, Little girl.”

Whoa. Bossy, grouchy Ian was hell on her libido. He made her head spin and her body take notice.

But kind, sweet Ian was almost more than she could take. Tears filled her eyes and she sniffled.


“Ahh, precious girl. It’s all right. I know it’s hard to be vulnerable, to talk about these things. But you’re doing so well. You don’t have a Daddy?”


“Good. I was going to tell you that he was a crap one who didn’t deserve you if he let you travel around on your own.”

“Hey! Just because I’m a Little doesn’t mean I can’t travel around on my own!”

“If you were my Little, you wouldn’t be allowed to.”
