Page 13 of Delphine

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“Yeah, but that was less than a week ago.” Phoebe and I had gotten to town a few days early, before Pepper was ready for us to start, and Phoebe had insisted on taking me to that party. Who knows how she even heard about it.

He scowled. “The incidents at the aquarium have been going on for at least a week before the Vee party.”

“We got into town that same day,” I said, putting my hands on my hips. “You can check our motel reservations.”

“I will.”

I was very near to stomping my feet, but I didn’t want him to see how much he’d rattled me. I hadn’t done anything wrong. Well, no more than my usual mishaps with my null power, but I didn’t even know how the medallion had fallen off. One minute I was reaching out a hand to the dolphin with the sparkly collar, and the next minute, my necklace had fallen into the tank and sank.

Spinning on my heel, I marched back to Pepper’s house. He didn’t try to follow me, and when I couldn’t resist a peek over my shoulder, he was gone. What an infuriating man!


Phoebe and I headed over to O’Malley’s for dinner. We’d gotten the bulk of the prep work done today, and tomorrow we’d be ready to start applying primer. We walked through the doors, and I was surprised that the pub was busy even on a weeknight. The tables were mostly full, but we could see the bar over the half-wall was less congested. I looked at Phoebe. “Which side do you want to sit on?”

“At the bar?” she asked.

I nodded, and we crossed the room together. Behind the bar, a big frosted mirror spelled out O’Malley’s. One of the overhead TVs near us was playing a football game on silent, and across the way another showed baseball. I was lucky I could pick out the types of games as I wasn’t really a sports person.

We grabbed a couple of barstools near the wall, and the bartender came over to take our order. A redhead, she wore a gray V-neck sweater and jeans. I could see the purple of her witch magic swirling around her.

“Two of the local beers, whatever’s on tap,” Phoebe said. “And menus too, please.”

The bartender nodded.

“So,” Phoebe said, turning to me. “Who was your handsome visitor today?”

I scowled. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

She gave me a knowing smile. “He’s just your type—all tall, dark, and bad boy.”

“Maybe my type changed,” I said without much conviction.

She smirked at me.

That’s the other problem with sisters. They knew all your business. Who you had crushes on in high school, what you liked to drink, what your hopes and dreams were . . . even if you never even voiced them. And I had three of them, so plenty of room for causing trouble.

The bartender returned with our drinks and menus, and I took a long swallow before I looked at the choices. The malty smell of the beer came through in the taste along with a bit of citrus. It was one of the better brews I’d had.

I should have asked Phoebe about the weird spell and the connection to the four guys, but I wanted to keep it to myself for a while longer. She’d only tease me about having multiple mates like Amber or Peppermint, and I knew it would never work out for me. Sooner or later I was going to have to walk away from all of them. Did I dare have some fun before I did that, or would that only hurt them more?

“What do you want to eat?” Phoebe asked.

I’d been in my own world instead of looking at the menu so I scanned it quickly. “The potpie,” I said then drank some more beer.

“Oh, that sounds good.” Phoebe ordered for us.

I peered around the restaurant wondering if I’d see any of the guys from the aquarium. Two of them were vampires, so would they even come to a pub? Hudson or Tripp might show up though.

“How was the visit to your dolphin?” Phoebe asked.

I grinned. “She’s adorable. Peeked her head out of the tank and greeted me.”

“I’m such a good sister,” Phoebe said, teasingly. She’d dropped her phone on the counter, and it beeped.

“Don’t you put that on silent?” I muttered, finishing off my beer and ordering another.

“I have to keep it on. It’s the work phone,” she said. “What if it's a customer?”
