Page 21 of Delphine

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I could feel my cheeks heating at Tripp’s departure. I’d really wanted him to join us. Why would he? Why would anyone want a defective witch like me, even if it was just for my body?

Levi stroked the side of my face. “Don’t worry about him,” he said with a smile. “He’ll come around.”

I blinked. “I don’t need him,” I murmured. “I have you.”

“But he wants you almost as much as I do,” he said. “And I don’t mind sharing.”

All sorts of racing images rolled through my head at the idea of being shared. My cheeks warmed more, and I dipped my head, staring at the floor, and found Cinbad glaring at us.

“I don’t think she likes the idea,” I said, pointing.

“What?” Levi turned and gazed down at the cat. “Hey, Cin, this is Delphine. She’s going to be hanging around more, so don’t be a jerk.”

I thought about offering her my hand, but she didn’t look at all happy and I didn’t want another scratch. I looked around the room, now that the light was on. There were posters on every wall of different extreme sports: skydiving, snowboarding, surfing, rock climbing, and even more I didn’t know the name of. “So you like sports?”

Levi grinned. “I like challenges. When you’ve been around as long as I have, it’s necessary.”

“Does your brother share your interest?”

He shook his head. “No, Roman has always been a scientist. He wants to know how everything works and why. I just want to experience it.”

“Both sound like fun,” I said. “I used to snowboard in high school.” I’d enjoyed getting out on the slopes and the fresh air. It’d been peaceful at a time when my house was overrun by siblings.

His eyes lit up. “Did you do any gnarly runs?”

“No, not really.” I couldn’t help smiling back at his excitement. I didn’t think Levi snowboarded for the “peaceful” aspect.

“I’ll have to take you on some. There’s nothing like the exhilaration of a freeride.” He leaned back on the bed, hands behind his head, and gazed at the ceiling. “It’s awesome.”

I laid my head on his chest and snuggled against him. I didn’t even mind the coolness of his skin. “Thank you,” I said softly. “For last night.”

“Oh, luv,” he said. “It was my pleasure, and yours too I hope.” He stroked my hair.

“Why do you get a British accent sometimes?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Too much time at Oxford, I suppose. Roman must have gotten every degree they had at one time or another, and I tend to stick close to him.”

“You’re close with your brother?”

“How could I not be?” he asked. “We’ve been through too much over the years not to be.”

“When were you made into a vampire?” I didn’t know if it was impolite to ask, but I somehow wanted to know everything about this man. Now that our passion had been sated, for the moment, I was just interested in him. Pepper said the mate bond was more than just lust, but . . . was that really what this was?

“Over two thousand years ago,” he said with a grin. “I was born during the reign of Cleopatra.”

I gasped. “Such a long life!”

“Yeah,” he said. “That’s why Roman and I developed such deep interests. We’ve tried almost everything, so whenever something new comes along, we can’t wait to give it a spin. We were there for so many firsts in human history . . .”

I swallowed. Was that what I was? Something new for him to try? “Have you ever encountered a null witch like me?”

“I haven’t,” he said with a shake of his head. “We might ask Roman though. He knows everything.”

As I sat up, I worried at my lip. I’d been cuddling like we were a couple and not just a fling. I was sure I was just something new for him to try out, and I shouldn’t read too much into this. “I should get going. Phoebe needs help with the painting.”

“What painting?” he asked, sitting up as well and sliding his legs over the side of the bed.

“That’s why I’m in Silver Springs,” I said. “We’re painting a house for an old friend.”
