Page 37 of Delphine

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I didn’t recognize any of them, but I leaned forward a bit, watching intently. “Are those runes?”

He finished the spell, then he said, “Yes, but if you’re working with Lambert, you’d know that.”

“I’m not working with Lambert.”

He studied the air in front of me, and I could just make out the faint images there. They were a bit like hieroglyphics, some kind of message.

“You have his trace on you, but I don’t see any connection.” His brows knit together. “It could be from your encounter after the accident.”

“What about a truth spell?” I asked.

His head jerked back. “You’d submit to that?”

I shrugged. “Sure. I told you. I don’t have anything to hide.”

Tripp flipped a few pages in his book. “This spell will bind you,” he said, peering at me over the top of the page. “If you lie, it will tighten the bindings. Are you still okay with that?”

I nodded.

He cast it, a flicker of colored symbols in the air, and I felt a chain blanket fall over me. It laid gently across my skin and I fingered it, watching the golden chain sparkle.

“So pretty,” I murmured.

He made a sound of surprise.

“What?” I asked.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard my spells called pretty before,” he said, his eyes shying away from mine. “Vile, deadly, painful . . . yes, but pretty?” He shook his head.

“Well,” I said. “Let’s see if I’m lying.”

He coughed and straightened. “What is your name?”

“Delphine Norwood.”

“Now I’m going to ask something and I want you to respond falsely, so we can have a baseline.”

“Okay.” I stroked the chain that lay across my arm. It was like a pretty piece of jewelry. “It won’t hurt me too badly?”

“Not at first,” he answered. “It’s cumulative.”

I nodded.

“How old are you?”

“Five years old,” I said and the chain squeezed me, making my breath catch in my throat. It ran over my chest and arms like chainmail. Then it wrapped me so tightly that even with the t-shirt on it outlined my breasts. They thrust up and away from my chest, like some kind of overzealous push-up bra.

Tripp made a sound in his throat. He was staring at my breasts, and my nipples hardened under his gaze. He lifted a hand as if he would reach out and then shook himself, dropping it again.

In a few breaths, the chain loosened. “That hurt,” I gasped, rubbing my skin where the spell had held me. It hadn’t exactly hurt, but I didn’t know how else to explain it.

Tripp actually looked apologetic. “I’m afraid it's the only truth spell I know. My mentor, Lambert, didn’t exactly teach me the nice spells.”

I sat up straighter. “It’s okay. Let’s get this done.”

“Have you been sabotaging the aquarium?”

“No.” The chain tightened over me again. This time it slithered over my chest and down between my legs and clutched my vulva. I gasped, my eyes going wide. The cords cut into my sensitive skin, and I should have been shouting in pain, but somehow I was wetter than I’d ever been.
