Page 51 of Delphine

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“I knew it,” Hudson said excitedly behind me.

I started weaving my magic through the stream, turning the magic to my purpose.

Delphine whimpered and I knew she was in pain. I tried to move faster, but one of the vampires stumbled, and I reeled back.

“No,” I gasped. “It’s too much.”

“Keep going,” Roman said, his voice calm and steady.

I pushed into the magic again, just as I had in the aquarium when I turned ravens back into stingrays. I turned every bolt’s purpose back on itself, until they ran away from Lambert and not to.

The chanting stopped as he realized what I was doing, but it was too late.

I twisted the magic so that it could power itself, and I pushed some back into the vampires and the shifter beside me.

Lambert shouted, “No! Stop it!”

“What are you doing?” Roman asked.

“I turned the stream back on itself.” I watched as the magic lifted Lambert, arching his body as it stole from him.

Levi stood. “How does that help Delphine?”

“Wait and see, brother,” Roman said with a satisfied smile.

After some time the magic extinguished itself, the flamed circles going out on their own. Lambert sagged to the ground, his head on his chest.

The vampires started to move toward him, and I said, “Leave him. He can’t hurt anyone anymore.”

We all rushed over to Delphine. She was on her knees, her eyes closed, but the air around her hummed.

“Delphine,” Hudson said, dropping down next to her. “Are you okay?”

Her eyes opened. They were white with power. “What have you done?”

“I took away something that didn’t belong to him,” I said.

She turned toward Lambert. “You broke him.”

“He deserved it,” I said fiercely. “He’s stolen powers from others for years and all he’s ever used them for was to hurt others.”

“I don’t deserve them,” she said.

“You do,” Roman said, taking her hands and pulling her to her feet. “You are a good human being, and you’ll do good.”

Her eyes flickered. “But I don’t know how to use magic. I’ve never cast a spell.”

“Tripp will teach you how,” Levi said. “And we’ll be here to support you every step of the way.”

Tears glimmered in her eyes. “I don’t . . . I . . .”

Hudson leaned closer. “We love you, Delphine. You aren’t alone anymore. We are here and we will take care of you.”

I reached out for her, the magic buzzing over my skin as I drew her into my arms. “I won’t let you hurt anyone.”

“It’s too much,” she whispered.

I picked up her amulet and I whispered a spell over it, then I let it fall to her chest.
