Page 7 of Delphine

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“I’m a conservation biologist,” I said. “I help with keeping the animals and their habitats consistent and happy.”

“That’s cool,” she said. “I always feel sorry for animals cooped up in places like that.”

I shake my head. “They aren’t cooped up.” I winced. “Well, normally. Tripp—he’s our boss—is a magician and he keeps the portals open so the animals can come and go as they please.”

“Really? Wow. That’s kind of amazing.”

You’re kind of amazing. Where did that thought come from? I’d known her all of five minutes and it didn’t make sense to my logical brain, but this was something beyond logic. “Just before you lost your necklace, you were checking out the dolphins.”

She nodded and pulled a card from her jean pocket. “My sister adopted Dolly for me,” she said, handing me the card. “She was the one with the collar on, wasn’t she?”

“She was.” I looked at the card, but there was nothing weird about it. “And yes, she agreed to be ‘adopted.’ She’s one of our regulars.”

“I’ve never seen a collar on a dolphin,” Delphine mused. “Were you monitoring something?”

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t put the collar there. In fact, I’m not sure where it came from.”

“That’s strange,” she said. “I’d thought it was some new way of keeping track of their movements. Like they tag animals in nature documentaries.”

“I agree.” I eyed her, oddly more fascinated by the red plumpness of her lips than her words. “Did you feel the magic, just before you touched her?”

“I did,” she said. “It connected me to you and your brother and Tripp . . . and someone else.”

I was surprised it had affected more than just me. This connection we felt was special, but maybe it was just another way of attacking the aquarium. “Was it a spell?”

“Maybe.” She shrugged. “I didn’t cast it. I can’t cast spells, only negate them.”

“I still feel it,” I said, moving closer to her.

She lifted her chin to look up at me. “I do too.”

“It makes me want to take you in my arms,” I said, watching her face for a reaction.

She nibbled on her lip. “Then why don’t you?”

That was all the invitation I needed. I pulled her into my arms. My lips met hers, tenderly. She tasted like strawberries, sweet with a little bit of tartness.

Her hands glided down my shoulders, caressing them.

I slid my hands down her back, cupping her ass through her jeans. My hardness was obvious between us.

Delphine didn’t stop though. She kissed me deeper and slid her hands around my waist. She clung there as if she would never let go, and I wasn’t sure I wanted her to.


It had been a long time—if ever—since I’d been kissed quite so thoroughly, and I couldn’t say I wanted to stop. I sank into it, forgetting where we were and what was around us. Until Roman’s soaking wet twin bounded up with my medallion in his hand, and we broke apart.

Nobody said anything. We just looked at each other.

I tried to catch my breath.The brothers looked alike with their deep brown skin and their short curly black hair. They were both of similar heights and builds. In fact, without Roman’s glasses—which I was pretty sure were just for looks—they were mirror images of each other.

“Do you have any identifying marks?” I asked, cutting the silence. Although Levi’s wet t-shirt outlined his muscled chest and arms almost perfectly, and his sweatpants clung to his legs and his . . . I swallowed.

Roman grinned. “Can’t tell us apart?”

“Without your glasses, it’d be hard,” I admitted, forcing my gaze away from the bulge in Levi’s pants. Weren’t they cold? Sure, it was warmer than normal today, but I was wishing I hadn’t left my coat at the aquarium’s concierge.

“He’s got a chipped tooth,” Roman said, gesturing to his brother. “Too much waterfall jumping.”
