Page 4 of Bespelled

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“Antonia!” she almost screamed into the phone. “Jules said you hung up on him.”

I rolled my eyes. “He deserved it.”

“Honey, I know you two haven’t been getting along lately, but you’re promised and—”

“No, Mom,” I interrupted, hating having to have this argument again. She was just going to have to understand. “I will never be dating or marrying Jules. Ever. It’s over between us.”

“But Antonia—”

“He’s a jerk and I’d rather be single,” I muttered. “Goodbye, Mom.” I didn’t give her a chance to respond, but turned off my phone and tucked it into my purse. Dammit. It was my life. I didn’t care what the families promised each other. They couldn’t make me be with Jules.

The restaurant door opened, spilling music and light onto the darkening street. I didn’t know if I should go on this date, I was so worked up. But I was hungry damn it. I whispered a little calming spell under my breath as I walked in, scanning the room for my date.

The place was split into two halves: a bar side with stools and dining area with freestanding tables and booths along the wall. The walls were wood on the bottom and a strip of mirrors on the top which made the small place seem more spacious. In the bar area, they had a soccer game playing on the two screens. I looked over the patrons, looking for a gargoyle. I reached for my phone, meaning to pull up the app, and take another look at the picture. But he would be glamoured here in public, so I wasn't sure how much he'd actually resemble his picture.

But now, my eyes caught on him. The too good-looking bodyguard from this morning sat in a booth along the wall. My breath caught in my throat. He wore more casual clothes – a button down shirt and jeans, and they hugged every muscular inch of him. Warmth swirled in my gut, and I wondered if he was the gargoyle I’d come to meet.

I started to turn and keep looking for my date, but the bodyguard raised his hand and motioned me over. He was the gargoyle? He certainly didn’t look like he was made of stone. I licked my lips nervously. I guess this was my lucky day, and I’d get a date with Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome after all.

“So you’re a gargoyle?” I blurted as I took my seat.

He smiled and it transformed his face. All the stiffness disappeared. His squarish jaw softened, and little laugh lines showed around his eyes. He was so good looking. Other than the picture on the app, I realized I’d never actually seen a gargoyle up close, and I was suddenly very interested in what he looked like without … well, without the glamour.


Red was even prettier up close, and I felt the stirring of urges that I hadn’t paid attention to in a long time. I tried to pretend I hadn’t noticed her shapely bare legs as she crossed the room and the way her tight sweater hugged her breasts when she removed her jacket. The whole time my heart thudded with: mate, mate, mate.

The waitress came over to take our order. A tall blonde with a low cut blouse, she tried to flirt with me, but I ignored her. Now that I had found my mate, I’d never be interested in another woman.

“Chicken tenders okay?” I asked Red. I studied her face: the pretty blue eyes, the long nose, and the slight indentation of her cheek when she smiled.

“Sure,” she said. “And a beer for me. The local brew.”

“Make that a pitcher,” I said. I wanted to keep her here as long as I could and I knew it had nothing to do with work.

“Fries?” the waitress asked, trying to get my attention.

“Fine,” I said and waved her off.

Heat creeped up Red’s apple cheeks at my continued gaze, and I tried to be casual. “I’m Gideon,” I said.

“I’m Toni,” she said.

I gave her what I hoped was a charming smile. I was out of practice. “I guess you know why I’m in town.”

She ducked her head. “Bodyguard to the vampire.”

My smile widened. She had been paying attention. “Some people just think I’m his assistant.”

Waving her hand toward me, she said, “But you’re all buff and stuff.” Her cheeks heated again. “And standing at the door and scanning the room.”

“So you did notice me.” My gaze strayed down to her red lips, and I wanted to yank her out of the chair and kiss her silly. I swallowed. This was going to be harder than I thought.

“I couldn’t not,” she said under her breath.

That made my heart stop. I leaned forward, wanting something, but the waitress arrived with our food and drinks and I pulled back. I poured her a glass of the local brew, and one for myself.

She sipped her beer and peered at me over the rim of the glass.
